York Youth Council Recruitment Drive

York Youth Council is a fantastic opportunity for all young people aged 11-18, providing a real chance for young people to have their voices on heard on issues that are important to them.

Over the last year, YYC have successfully campaigned to extend the YoZone Card from 16 to 18, allowing students to travel cheaply. They also worked hard to secure an all York Ticket so that all young people can travel on any bus in York, all day, for just £1.60.

YCC has also started an award to promote mental well being in Secondary Schools. This has been piloted in York High and has considerable interest from other schools.

Beth Ebdon, Chair of the York Youth Council commented: “York youth council is a wonderful place. Here you can make a difference to other people’s lives by doing what you can to change policy in the city, as well as improving your own life. I’ve gained confidence and friends! ”

With a wide range of potential opportunities such as web design, speaking at the Head Teachers Conference, radio interviews, a residential and the chance to become a member of Youth Parliament and speak in the House of Commons.

More information and an application form can be found at the Youth Council website, http://www.yorkyouthcouncil.co.uk/. To get involved, download and complete the application form and bring it along to the next meeting, which take place weekly at 5.15 in the centre of town, starting from the 9th October.

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