Dringhouses & Woodthorpe Resident Forum tomorrow (Monday)

Monday, 3rd March, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Woodthorpe Primary School, Summerfield Road, York YO24 2RU


1. 7.00pm Drop In Talk to ward councillors, policing team ; pick up information on ward grants 2014-15, have your say on how health services are commissioned in York. York Older People’s Assembly will have a stall.

2. 7.30pm Main Meeting: Welcome and Minutes from the last meeting

3. Police Report

4. JRHT report on play area (Sheringham Ave/Bellhouse Way)

5. Smarter York and environment issues – with Russell Stone CYC

6. Tour de France – a presentation on the arrangements for the event and how communities can get involved

7. 2014-15 Ward Priorities/Ward Budget

8. Annual Planning Panel elections

9. Have Your Say

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