Fresh look for York Connect to Support – Core Information and Advice eMarketplace

Connect to support

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A website offering information about local services, providers and activities and groups for adults needing care and support has a fresh new look this month.

Connect to Support York has been updated and refreshed to ensure that the information on the site is inline with new national changes to care and support as laid out in the Care Act legislation.

The site enables people to find out about activities and groups in their local area; source information and advice, and purchase their own help and support directly from provider organisations.


The website, first launched in York in 2013, brings together several resources giving adults in the city an innovative way of finding out what options are available to meet their needs. There are over 100 providers registered currently and City of York Council is keen to see even more on there – organisations can visit the site for information on how to register their service.

Connect to Support York is just one of the ways that residents and their families and carers can find out about, and access, care and support. The aim is to ensure that residents have a wide range of choices about the type of care and support they receive and how they access it – putting them in control.

Guy Van Dichele, Interim Director of Adult Social Care, City of York Council, said: “In response to people telling us they want to remain independent for as long as is possible we are always looking for new ways to support people.

“Connect to support is a great way for people and their families to get advice and information as well as look and purchase care and support for themselves. More and more providers are choosing to use Connect to Support and we would encourage people to take a look and watch how this grows over the coming months.”

David Bowes, Managing Director of shop4support, the company behind the website, said: “York’s Connect to Support website provides the latest technology allowing people to find out what social care support is available and it even enables them ‘shop for their support’ online. Over the coming months we’ll also be working with the council to develop the site so that people can easily and quickly complete social care assessments online.”

For more information on how Connect to Support visit

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