Thanet Road – proposal to extend 20mph zone

City of York Council is proposing to introduce a 20 mph speed limit on a section of Thanet Road, from the Gale Lane roundabout to St James Place. The proposal addresses safety concerns by requiring motorists to observe what are considered to be more appropriate speed limits on roads carrying high traffic volumes particularly during  peak traffic periods.

A map showing the proposed extent of the 20 mph zone is set out below.

Councillor’s vow on Chaloners Road speed management

Speeding remains a concern on Chaloners Road

Local Lib Dem councillor Stephen Fenton has vowed to continue to campaign for speed management measures to be introduced on the stretch of Chaloners Road between Thanet Road and the junction with Dringfield Close.

Hopes has been raised that the area may qualify for funding for a flashing ‘Vehicle Activated Sign’ to remind motorists of the 30mph limit. However new speed data showed an “85th percentile speed of 33mph, concurrent with guidance for 30mph.” This meant that the site is no longer a priority for speed management funding.

Stephen commented “For many years residents have had to put up with speeding traffic. This isn’t the end of the story. We will now consider if Ward funding could be used for speed management measures on this section of Chaloners Road.”

Dringhouses selected for community speed watch trial

Community Speed Watch

The Community Speed Watch pilot programme will run at up to 50 sites across York, Harrogate, Selby and Harrogate “where local people have already registered a concern about speeding vehicles”.

The Police say that the sites are “mainly” residential areas with 30 and 40 mph speed limits.

In York the chosen sites are in Holgate, Strensall, Clifton Moor, Dringhouses and Rawcliffe

No consultation with local Councillors appears to have taken place.

In a media release the Police say, “Over the next six months, police volunteers, together with members of the community, will visit the sites with a hand-held radar gun and/or an LED speed sign.  They will record vehicle speeds and anyone caught speeding will receive a letter from North Yorkshire Police informing them of their offence and the need to address driving behaviour.

The main purpose of Community Speed Watch is to draw drivers’ attention to speed limits in areas where communities say it is affecting their quality of life, and to educate them about the effects that anti-social road use can have on local people.  However, North Yorkshire Police will also be keeping a close watch on the recorded data, and may take enforcement measures if a persistent or extreme offender is identified”.

Details of the community speed watch leaflet can be found by clicking here