Housebuilder challenges Mayfield Grove access planning condition

In March 2018, despite strong local opposition, permission was granted for 11 homes to be built on the thin strip of land between Mayfield Grove and St Helens Road. Approval was granted subject to a number of conditions being met. This included getting approval for the types of boundary fencing to be installed, and adhering to a condition that the narrow track onto the site from Mayfield Grove is not used for vehicular traffic.

In recent weeks the developers, Arncliffe Homes, have submitted applications to the council to explain how they propose to implement these conditions. The first batch of applications can be viewed on the council website HERE

The applications for conditions 4 and 9 describe the type of boundary fencing being proposed (condition 4) and tree protection arrangements (condition 9). Any residents who wish to comment on any of these applications can do so by going to the above link and clicking on ‘comments.’ Alternatively, comments can be submitted by e-mail to (quote ref 15/02726/FULM).

In the second batch of applications, Arncliffe Homes are challenging condition 27. This condition states:

“The existing access between the site and Mayfield Grove shall not be used by vehicular traffic…. the approved bollards shall be erected prior to the commencement of development….in the interests of highway safety and residential amenity as the access is considered to be substandard in terms of its width and junction design for use by vehicular traffic.”

By way of justification, Arncliffe Homes say:

“It will not be feasible to carry out this work prior to commencement of demolition and construction as suggested in condition 27. Access for machinery is required during construction to enable foul and surface water connections into the site, from Mayfield Grove. We will ensure the bollards are installed prior to first occupation on the development. During construction the strip of land will be blocked off at both ends by Harris-style fencing and “No Vehicle Access” signs will be fitted to the fencing.”

Traffic and parking is already problematic on Mayfield Grove, and so the proposal by Arncliffe Homes to use the narrow track for machinery access is unlikely to help matters.

Residents who wish to view and comment on the proposal that condition 27 be overturned can do so by visiting the council website HERE and clicking on ‘comments’. Alternatively, comments can be submitted by e-mail to (quote ref 15/02726/FULM).

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