Views sought on management of Little Hob Moor

The council has delivered a letter to around 500 households in the immediate vicinity of Little Hob Moor, asking for views on the future maintenance and management of the area.

Residents are asked to express an opinion on whether they would support bulb planting, the installation of additional benches, the formal designation of a wildflower meadow area and feedback on the grass cutting regime.

Feedback will help to inform decisions on any future changes.

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2 thoughts on “Views sought on management of Little Hob Moor

  1. M Ramsbottom says:

    Little Hob Moor is a very important multi-functional corridor/stepping stone for wildlife across the city and I would certainly be in favour of increasing the meadow area. In fact I would strongly support the whole triangular area from where the cycle path splits down to the railway line NOT being cut until August.
    Bees are said to be the most important species on the planet as without them and other pollinators our entire food chain is threatened.
    There are other ‘play’ areas within a short distance, and yes more benches and bulbs would be lovely.

  2. M Ramsbottom says:

    Little Hob Moor is a very important multi-functional corridor/stepping stone for wildlife across the city and I would certainly be in favour of increasing the meadow area. In fact I would strongly support the whole triangular area from where the cycle path splits down to the railway line NOT being cut until August.
    Bees are said to be the most important species on the planet as without pollinators our entire food chain is threatened.
    There are other ‘play’ areas within a short distance, and yes more benches and bulbs would be lovely.

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