The Liberal Democrat Budget 2010/11

On Tuesday the Liberal Democrat Council Executive agreed its budget proposals for 2010/11. The budget is designed to help prepare York for the economic recovery, while ensuring investment in vital services such as adult and children’s social care.

In preparing our budget we were also very keen to ensure we responded to the city wide budget consultation which went out in December.

Some of the budget highlights include:

Transport: To help boost the city centre, economy car parking charges will be frozen as will Park and Ride charges. Everyone except the owners of the most polluting vehicles will see ResPark charges frozen while charges for visitors to ResPark areas will be cut from £1.10 to 90p.

There will be more congestion busting improvements to the outer ring road. Following the completion of improvements to the Hopgrove roundabout there will be improvements to the A19 and A59 roundabouts.


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Kerbside Recycling Scheme Set For Improvements

York’s successful kerbside recycling scheme is set to undergo changes to make collection quicker and easier, allowing collection to be extended to cover the whole city.

Currently residents present their recycling in a variety of boxes and bags. Collection crews often have sort through the waste dividing it up as they load it into collection trucks.

A new system has been agreed which will see £490,000 invested in providing residents with three recycling boxes with lids to allow them to sort their own recycling.

Residents would be asked to separate their own recycling into paper and card, glass bottles and jars and plastic bottles and cans using the new boxes.

The changes would mean collection crews will no longer have to search through bags to sort the recycling at the kerbside and will be able work more efficiently.

The increased efficiency is expected to save the council £210,000 a year.

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Greenbelt Update


Thank you to all the residents who took the trouble to take part in the Council’s summer survey about City’s the Local Development Framework. In total, approximately 3,000 people took part in the consultation by attending events or responding to the questionnaire with 86% of respondents supported the LDF Vision and key themes for York.

The results of the opinion survey were very significant with residents backing the Liberal Democrat line that central government is expecting too many new homes to be built in the City over the next 20 years. 58% of respondents agree with us that 850 new homes a year is too high, particularly towards the end of the plan period when we need to scale down growth to a sustainable level.

Read the rest of this entry.

Salt Bins

As the bad weather continues the Council’s gritters are continuing to work hard to keep the roads safe and clear. 

If you want to clear your drive, path or road you can use grit from the self help salt bins. In Dringhouses and Woodthorpe the bins are are situated on the following streets: 

Annan Close
Spey Bank Junction With Annan Close
Eden Close Junction With Moor Lane
Jcn Near Moor Lane With Junction Of Moorcroft
Nairn Close Near Vent Column
Orrin Close
Silverdale Court Near Lamp Column 1
Wordsworth Cres – Path Across Green Opp Litter Bin
Summerfield Road Near 33
Summerfield Road At Entrance To Primary School
Alness Drive
Deveron Way O/S No 12
Nevis Way Near No 14
Hillcrest Gardens Near Junction With Hob Moor Terrace
Middlethorpe Grove Junction WithThe Spinney
Middlethorpe Grove O/S No 32
Ganton Place Near Lamp Column 2
Don Avenue O/S 34
Don Avenue Junction With Swale Avenue
West Thorpe Near 5
Leeside O/S No 7
St James Place Near 10
St Helens Road Near School Entrance
North Lane
Orchard Way Junction WithOrchard Close
North Lane Near Junction With Orchard Way
Southfield Crescent
Herdsman Road In Car Park
The Horseshoe O/S 42
Regency Mews/Royal Chase (Off Tadcaster Rd)

If you find a salt bin low on salt or empty please call 01904 551551 to let the Council know and officers will fill the bin as soon as possible.  

Welcome To Our Website

Ann ReidWelcome to our website. This site will keep you up to date with key issues for the local community and let you know about the work we are doing on your behalf.

Please do get in contact if you have any questions or issues you would like to raise.


Ann Reid