Derelict school site next to Hob Moor
Apparently Council officials are recommending that the 56 home development at the Our Lady’s school site be given the “go ahead”.
This despite a large number of objections and the proposal being in conflict with the Councils own rules on development densities.
The number of homes being proposed is almost twice the number agreed by the same planning department when they published the draft Local Plan earlier in the year.
It will be interesting to see how they manage to justify that particular policy somersault!
The planning application will be decided at the Planning-Committee meeting on 21 November 2013, at 4.30pm at West Offices, Station Rise, York.
The committee will visit the site at 12:45 pm on the Tuesday (17th November) before the meeting to familiarise themselves with the proposal and residents are also invited to attend.
Residents have the right to speak at the meeting. If you wish to speak, you must register this by telephoning (01904) 552062, and ask for Laura Bootland before 5:00pm on the last working day before the Committee meeting.
The proposal has been mired in controversy since a Labour cabinet member (Clr Merrett) publicly endorsed the scheme shortly after the planning application had been submitted, but before residents had been given the opportunity to comment.