Missing light in Middlethorpe

Councillor Ann Reid, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Neighbourhoods, has urged the City of York Council’s Labour Cabinet to bring forward plans to replace streetlights which had been cut down. The call comes with the news that the replacements are hoped to be in place by the end of the summer.

This means some residents will have gone nearly six months without streetlights before seeing any action.

The Council has only outlined the plans, and Councillor Reid says the lack of detail leaves too many questions from residents unanswered.

She said “At the time when Labour cut down the lampposts without a plan to replace them, Liberal Democrats called for action to be taken as soon as possible. Finally, a plan has emerged, but the lack of detail will leave residents in the dark for even longer.”

“Labour are implying that this is a new investment. In fact, the money is simply being taken from other areas in the Neighbourhoods budget. They are simply robbing Peter to pay Paul. This means residents will see a decline in services elsewhere to pay for Labour’s mistake in cutting down the streetlights.”
Cllr Reid went on to attack the proposed system for prioritising action saying “The cabinet has said that individual wards will be ranked on a priority basis, but we don’t know what this system will be based on. I do hope that this system is made clear and transparent to the public. It needs to be based on hard evidence, not on which wards the Labour cabinet chooses to help first.”

“Streetlights are a vital service. They deter crime and help to keep our roads safe. For local people to be without them for such a long time is unacceptable. This is a problem that needs to be fixed as soon as possible.”

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