Askham Bar Park and Ride consultation results

62 responses were made to the recent consultation on the design for the new Park and Ride site at Askham Bar.

In the main residents supported the scheme.

One of the main concerns (see right) related to the awkward access for cyclists. This is now to be replaced by a single crossing of the access road.

Good news is that the existing bus stop on the old Park and Ride site will be retained.

Many residents wanted a pedestrian and cycle route via the Tesco site. This has been turned down by officials on cost and safety grounds. There was a similar fate for a suggestion for a split level junction at the College on Tadcaster Road. This was aimed at eliminating the delays caused by the constantly changing Toucan crossing traffic lights.

The report is due to be considered at a meeting on Thursday 12th April (4:30pm Guildhall).The meeting will also consider arrangements at the new Poppleton Park and Ride site as well as a proposal to declare an air quality management area on Salisbury Terrace.

Full reports can be accessed here:

The proposed revised new layout is shown below

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