The school on Trafalgar Street is set to expand with the erection of a school hall, first floor and two storey extension to south wing to create extra classrooms, and single storey reception, cloakroom and toilet extensions.
The school intends to increase the number of pupils from 260-420 over the next 3 years. To accommodate the extra capacity it is proposed to reconfigure the internal layout and planning permission is sought for the following extensions:-
• Single storey flat roof extension to provide w/c and cloakrooms at the end of the west wing (by Lorne Street entrance).
• New main hall to the east side of the south wing (between the school and the cottage which faces Campleshon Road).
• An extension at the end of the south wing, to provide 2 further classrooms at ground floor level and 2 within the roof void.
• Single storey extension to main entrance and new heads office.
• The temporary classrooms currently on site would be relocated to the main school playground and removed when the works are completed.
The facilities within the school (learning resources, new hall and sports facilities) will be available for community use.
An additional 7 full time members of staff are expected to be employed as a result of the School’s expansion making 32 in total.