A planning application for a wind turbine to sited in the field to the rear of Springfield Farm, Appleton Road, will be considered on 14th June. A similar application was refused about 2 years ago because of fears that it would adversely impact on the green belt.
The proposed Kingspan KW6 Turbine would be 15 metres in height to the hub with a horizontal axis rotor with a diameter of 5.6 metres. The overall height would be 17.8 metres in height. The tower would be galvanised steel finish and the hub and blades would be plastic, the plans state in either a black of white finish. The proposed turbine would be 210 metres from the closest dwelling on Temple Lane (134 Temple Lane) and 220 metres from the closest dwelling (excluding the applicants) on Foss Field Lane (Fossfield Farm).
A similar turbine exists in relatively close proximity at Park Farm.
Council planning officials are recommending that the turbine plan is approved.