York has, for many years, had one of the lowest youth unemployment rates in the Country. Although in York there has been a recent slight upward trend, numbers are generally stable.
However, between April 2011 and April 2012 the number of young JSA claimants who had been seeking work for over 6 months increased from 215 to 400.
The highest number of unemployed can be found in the Clifton, Heworth and Westfield wards.
Twenty 16/17 year olds were on JSA. Local authorities have the statutory responsibility to secure education and training in their areas for these young people aged 16-18 (and up to age 25 for young people subject to a learning difficulty assessment), promote the effective participation in education or training of these young people and make arrangements to identify those not participating.
The York Council is right in not being complacent about youth unemployment in the City. Although the number of job vacancies exceeds the total number of unemployed young people there is a mismatch between the skills of those looking for work and jobs. Perhaps not surprisingly many are seeking employment in the currently still depressed construction industry while the care and retail sectors are always seeking new staff.
The Education and Skills Act (2008) places a duty on all young people to participate in education or training until their 18th birthday (or until they achieve a Level 3 qualification). The legislation raises the participation age in two stages, to the end of the academic year in which a young person turns 17 from 2013 and until their 18th birthday from 2015. This does not mean young people must stay in school; they will able to choose one of the following options:
• full-time education, such as school, college or home education
• an Apprenticeship
• full-time work (or volunteering) with part-time education or training alongside
There are a number of Apprenticeship vacancies available with the Council and elsewhere in the City.
See also http://tinyurl.com/York-youth-jobs