Woman hurt in York attempted robbery

Detectives are appealing for information after a woman was injured during an attempted robbery in York.

The victim, a 23-year-old local woman, suffered grazed knees, a cut to her leg and a swollen thumb when she held onto her handbag as a man tried to snatch it from her on Bishopthorpe Road in the early hours of Thursday 27 November 2012.

Council losing more planning appeals

Government Inspectors are allowing more planning appeals in York.

New national guidance (National Planning Policy Framework or NPPF) has led to several major appeals against the refusal of planning permission being successful during the first 6 months of the financial year.

Between 1st April and 31st October 2012, a total of 40 appeals relating to CYC decisions were determined by the Inspectorate. Of those, 20 were allowed. At 50%, the rate of appeals is significantly higher than the 33% national annual average. By comparison, for the same period last year, 8 out of 26 appeals were allowed, i.e. 30.77%

The successful appeals included the replacement of offices with a retail warehouse at Monks Cross and the construction of a 64 bed care home the York Business Park near Poppleton.

Also approved were changes to City centre shop fronts, infill housing, the conversion of houses into flats, home extensions, the installation of balconies/dormers and the conversion of (another) property into a bar on Micklegate


Acomb Library – 5 more years for portacabin and ambulance parking

The Councils West area planning committee are being recommended to extend the use of the car park at Acomb Library for use by the ambulance service as a stand by point.

The car park has been in use by the ambulance service since May 2008. The applicant has submitted information “demonstrating that the site is required to meet national targets, the aim is that ambulances are to be with the patient within 8 minutes for 75% of all call outs. This stand-by point contributes towards meeting this national target”.

The supporting information sets out that the permanent siting of stand-by points is no longer part of the long term plan of the Ambulance Service, “the aim is to provide a series of flexible response locations in order to meet their targets, so the building of a permanent base in this location would not be appropriate”.

The meeting will also consider applications to bring back into use the White Swan building in Piccadilly and to convert part of the former Borders bookstore in Little Stonegate into a bar/restaurant.


“Blunderland” cost taxpayers £85,000

The costs to taxpayers of the Vic Reeves inspired Wonderland light show in the Museum Gardens – held in November – was over £85,000.

Nearly £60,000 of this came from the Arts Council, with York Council taxpayers picking up a bill for around £26,000.

Ticket sales generated just over £56,000 towards the £125,000 cost of the show.

The figures do not include the value of the time taken by Council officials to organise the event.

Reactions to the show were very mixed!

“What’s on in York”: December 2012- February 2013

UK Snooker Championships 1st/9th Dec Barbican

Ukulele Orchestra 3rd Dec Grand Opera House

Woodland workout 3rd/17th Dec 1:00pm Rawcliffe / West Bank Park We will be thinning an area of woodland in Rawcliffe Country Park. This involves cutting down selected trees to create more light and space for other trees to expand and grow bigger. At West Bank Park we will be resurfacing the woodland paths with bark chip and replacing any sections of edging that have gone missing. All tools will be provided – Please come prepared to get muddy! Please contact Jenny Cairns on 07833 436832 or jennifer.cairns@york.gov.uk for more details

Beyond the barricade at Christmas 4th Dec Grand Opera House

Ding Dong Merrily 4th Dec 7:30pm Early Music Centre Part of a fortnight of Early Music Christmas Festival

A Christmas Carol (promenade) 5th/21st Dec The Golden Fleece

Mostly Autumn 6th Dec Grand Opera House

Children’s Chapel 6th 3rd Jan York Minster http://www.yorkminster.org/whats-on/2012/12/06/the-children-039-s-chapel-in-york-minster.html

Carol Concert 7th Dec Minster

Jimmy Carr 7th/8th Dec Grand Opera House

Minster Minstrals 8th Dec 1:00pm Early Music Centre

Christmas Tree-Top Angels 8th Dec Minster. Create your own unique Angel inspired by the Minsters stained glass

Big Band Christmas Party 8th Dec De Grey Rooms

Handel’s Messiah 8th Dec Minster (YMS)

Santas Steam Adventure 8th /23rd Dec NRM Everything is ready for Christmas but Santa has lost his presents! Come and help us track them down at the North Yorkshire Pole. The journey begins in our Station Hall which has been transformed into Santa’s depot. From here Santa’s helpers will climb onboard a beautiful festive carriage pulled by a steam engine to take part in a special interactive story telling adventure. Before the magical steam journey is over, children will meet Santa Claus himself and receive a special present to take home.

York’s Festive Fayre 8th/23rd Dec Parliament Street York’s Festive Fayre brings a sweep of Christmas traditions with music and decorated wooden huts. Open Daily from Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 9.30am to 6.30pm, Thursday/Friday & Saturday 9.30am to 7.30pm, Sunday 9.30am to (approx 6.30pm) you are sure to find that extra special Christmas gift. Then escape the hustle and bustle and relax in the twinkling haven of the Festive Inne and enjoy a glass of delicious Winter Pimms and other festive offerings.

Jingle Jog 9th Dec Sun 10:30am York Knavesmire Why not come along and try a festive fun run with a difference, sign up and get your free Santa suit to run your chosen distance in. Two distances are available, a shorter 2km route suitable for participates as young as 2 and as old as Santa Clause himself. If you would like a bigger challenge why not try the 5km route around York’s famous Knavesmire. The fun does not stop with the run, feed the reindeer and try some festive treats – a great family fun day for all. For more information register at 0121 661 5161 www.bhf.org.uk/yorksanta

Stand up York 12th Dec 7:30pm Barbican

Rock DJ 12th Dec Wed 6:30pm Door 84 Lowther Street York Arts Academy rock bands, and local young D.J’s get a chance to show what they can do at this exciting performance! All welcome, tickets available on the door – cost £1 For more information contact Ted Schofield ted.schofield@york.gov.uk or 01904 554275

Robin Hood & his Merry Mam 13th Dec/2nd Feb Theatre Royal

Sleeping Beauty 14th Dec/6th Jan Grand Opera House

Carol Concert 14th Dec Minster

Kate Rusby at Christmas 14th Dec 7:30pm Barbican

Christmas Crafts 14th Dec Fri 10:00am Rowntree Park Join us on the terrace of the cafe to make your own Christmas wreath. We will use willow to make a frame that you can then decorate with materials collected from the parks. Afterwards why not pop into the cafe for a hot drink to warm up! Cost: Free Please book your place by contacting Jenny Cairns on 07833 436832 or emailing jennifer.cairns@york.gov.uk

Festival of Angels 15th/16th Dec 10:00am The Quarter The Festival of Angels is a true winter festival, bringing York a winter wonderland of ice-sculptures, stalls, outdoor food and drink, street entertainment. A true Christmas festival, transforming York’s most unique streets into a winter wonderland of ice-sculptures, stalls, al fresco dining and street entertainment. Popular with both visitors and residents, across the streets of the Quarter (Swinegate, Back Swinegate, Grape Lane) through to St Sampson’s Square, Stonegate and Petergate

Football City v Bristol 15th Dec Bootham Cres

A Ceremony of Carols 15th Dec Minster (Ebor Singers)

Create a “Christingle” 15th Dec Minster

Santa’s Circular Cycle 15th Dec Sat 11:00am Millennium Bridge A circular bike ride to Heslington common via the golf course and the University, approximately 6.5 miles. We will be using mostly off-road cycle paths, tarred tracks and bridleways. This will be the last ride before Christmas and will finish at Rowntree Park Café for refreshments and a Festive quiz! Ho Ho Ho! For more information contact Sarah Prescott on 01904 553377 or Email: sarah.prescott@york.gov.uk or visit www.york.gov.uk/cyclerides

Musical Family Day 15th Dec Sat 10:00am Canon Lee School

Community Carol Concert 16th Dec 2:30pm Barbican

“La Nativite du Seigneur” 17th Dec Minster A meditative organ recital with readings featuring the Minster’s Grand Organ

A Victorian Christmas 18th Dec 7:30pm Early Music Centre

Carols by Candlelight 19th /21st Dec Minster (Chapter House Choir)

The York Waits 20th Dec 7:30pm Early Music Centre

Football City v Gillingham 22nd Dec Bootham Cres

Music Night 22nd Dec Jo Ro Theatre

Festive sing along 22nd Dec Sat 6:00pm Micklegate glass centre http://www.micklegatequarter.co.uk/events/winter-festival

Nine Lessons and Carols 23/24th Dec 4:00pm Minster

Cinderella 21st/30th Dec Barbican Starring Dani Harmer

See in the new year 31st Dec/ 1st Jan Duncombe Place


York 800 Ebor Vox film released

A film showcasing the Ebor Vox activities over the city’s Charter Weekend is now online for residents to view and download. Ebor Vox was the world premier of a choral piece for 800 voluntary singers that saw them, musicians, puppeteers and dancers process through the streets of York.

The 20 minute filmed called Our City – The Story of Ebor Vox, follows the stories and activities of the participants who performed Ebor Vox, a new work by acclaimed composer Benjamin Till commissioned for York 800. It shows the range of activities over the Charter weekend including Flash Choirs and first performance in Dean’s Park as well as the procession with the Civic party and council members.

Click here to view the film http://vimeo.com/54310387

Ofsted praise York’s Early Years

Despite recent concerns about standards at some nurserys in the City a report says that local standards are generally higher than can be found elsewhere in the country.

A recent Ofsted report has placed York’s Early Years and childcare providers and Children’s Centres significantly above both the national and regional averages. The report also demonstrates an improvement when compared to last years statistics.


York floods highlight drainage issues

A lot of attention has understandably been focussed on flood defence works during the recent periods of poor weather.

Flood barriers, and countering river overflows, are principally the responsibility of the Environment Agency.

Most of the pipes that drain surface water belong to Yorkshire Water although the Council is responsible for roadside gulleys.

The, then LibDem led, Council in 2008 introduced a programme of upgrade works aimed at dealing with ponding on roads, footpaths and public areas. Over £800,000 has been spent tackling these issues, but there is evidence that a large number of pipes and culverts are still blocked with silt and roots.

Now a new “surface water management” report suggests that a further £5 million is needed to complete the programme.

Worryingly the Council report reveals that recently “ funding for maintenance of highway infrastructure, in particular gully cleaning, has been reduced annually over successive years to a point where it is now mainly a reactive operation. Such routine gully emptying that is carried out is generally not in the areas that suffer surface water flooding”.

With the Council sinking ever deeper into debt, funding this level of investment with be problematic.

The report can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/Drainage-in-York. It is due to be discussed at a meeting taking place on Tuesday

Council to continue clampdown on sale of alcohol to minors

Legislation exists to help to prevent a range of potentially dangerous/anti-social products being accessible to young people. The products regulated with age-restrictions include alcohol (minimum age 18), cigarettes (18), fireworks (18), knives (18), aerosol paint (16); in recent years trading standards officers have carried out education and enforcement work in all of these areas.

The number of illegal sales has been decreasing over recent years

In future children posing as potential purchasers of restricted items may not tell retailers their correct age. The intention is to force the retailer to ask for proof of age

The report can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/age-limit-sales-enforcement