Speeding concerns at 4 roads in York

The layout of 4 roads could be changed following investigations into speeding concerns.

The 4 roads are:

• Moor Lane, Woodthorpe.

• Top Lane, Copmanthorpe;

• Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe (in 20 limit)

• Holtby Village (Willow Court)

Checks found that, although there have been few accidents on the roads, speeds were regularly above the limit. Now the Council is to consider undertaking engineering works that would discourage speeders.

There are already 43 sites on the list for engineering works and, with the Council set to spend £600,000 on implement a city-wide 20 mph speed limit, it is likely to be several years before funding is available to address this list.

A report to a Council meeting on 19th November confirms that the number of accidents on York’s roads are now fairly stable, having reduced considerably from a peak of 119 killed or seriously injured in 2001.

The comparable figure for 2011 was 63. There were also 489 slight injury accidents.

About half the casualties were car occupants. In the vast majority of cases speed was not found to be the principle cause of the accident.

A complete list of investigations and their results (including data for Acomb Wood drive) can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/York-speed-checks-Nov-2012

50/40 mph speed limit plan for Deighton

The Council is planning to reduce the speed limit on the A19 passing through Deighton Village.

Official are proposing that a 50 mph limit be introduced together with extended street lighting. Later a section of 40 mph limit may be introduced.

There have been ten injury accidents listed on this section of road within the last three years. The Police have objected tot eh changes pointing out that average speeds are already below 50 mph and speed was not a contributory factor in any of the accidents.


Safety issues at new Park and Ride sites

The design of new highways schemes are independently reviewed to ensure that the layouts proposed are the safest possible. Reviews have been completed for the new sites at Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar.

Askham Bar layout - click to enlarge

The results will be considered at a Council “decision” meeting on 19th November. http://tinyurl.com/York-P-R-19th-Nov

Issues identified included:

• Parking of camper vans

• Speed limits

• Landscaping requirements

• Provision of internal zebra crossings

• Highway markings (Askham bar)

• Installation of rising bollard to protect bus lane (Askham bar)

• Route of shared pedestrian/cycle path (Askham bar)

Copies of the new layouts can be found on the Councils web site

Gillygate/Bootham/St Leonards Place junction changes proposed

High accident levels at the St Leonard’s Place junction have prompted the Council, to propose a makeover to signs in the area. The junction is threatened with a more major change in the future as the Councils struggles to reconcile the need for easy access to the City centre with a plan to reduce traffic levels.

click to enlarge

Most of the accidents occur on the St Leonard’s approach to the junction and poor lane discipline is cited as one of the causes. One of the accidents involved a vehicle “shunting” into a cyclist in the advanced stop area.

Counter intuitively officials believe that reducing the number of pedestrian guard rails should also be considered (some have already gone).

Proposals have been developed to ensure that the traffic lanes on St Leonards Place are signed clearly, increase the amount of space available to cyclists prior to the stop line on Bootham, and reduce the amount of guardrail.

On St Leonard’s Place these improvements comprise adding another set of destination road markings and installing a lane destination sign in a more prominent position to replace an advance direction sign which in its current position is prone to being obscured by tree branches. In addition, it is proposed to extend the cyclist’s advance stop line box on Bootham by 2m.

Full report here: http://tinyurl.com/St-Leonards-Junc

Council launches YouChoose budget consultation for 2014/15

City of York Council is once again inviting residents to try their hand at balancing the council’s budget for 2014/15, through an online budget evaluation tool called ‘YouChoose’.

The survey provides an estimated breakdown of where the council’s monies will be spent in 2014/15 and asks residents to tackle the difficult balancing act of cutting millions of pounds from its budget and keeping increases to council tax at no more than 2 per cent, whilst protecting vital services.


York and North Yorkshire Credit Union Arrest – Labour decision to be scrutinised

The media are reporting that a former employee has been arrested following investigations into fraud at the North Yorkshire Credit Union. The Union collapsed last week.

Separately, a decision by the Labour Cabinet has been “called in” for scrutiny. They were proposing to grant £50,000 (plus help in kind) to another Credit Union that wishes to open a branch in York.

The proposal has been called in to permit full consideration of the reasons behind the North Yorkshire Credit Union collapse.

The York Council stands to lose up to £100,000 of the loan it made to the York Credit Union in January 2009.

The minutes of meetings around that time reveal that Labour had proposed that £150,000 should be loaned on a unsecured “sub-ordinate” basis.

This proposal was rejected by the then LibDem controlled Executive and the York Council unanimously agreed on 22nd Jan 2009 to loan £52,000 (the maximum permitted) as a “preferential loan” with the remainder classified as a “sub-ordinate” loan (which has less protection in the event of a financial failure).

The Council also agreed that “That Council maintain a check on the financial position of the York Credit Union by such means as are acceptable to the Director of Resources”

It is the way that the latter condition has been exercised over the last 18 months – during which time the Credit union slipped into financial difficulties – that should form part of the scrutiny review.

Details of the historic decisions made can be found on the Councils web site

Executive meeting 23rd Dec 2008 http://tinyurl.com/Exec-23rd-Dec-08

Labour alternative proposals 23rd Dec 2008 http://tinyurl.com/Lab-23rd-Dec-08

Council minutes 22nd Jan 2009 http://tinyurl.com/Council-22nd-Jan-09

144 mph – fastest speed recorded by mobile speed cameras leads to ban

A biker caught speeding at 144mph has today, Thursday 8 November, been banned from driving for six months .

He was also fined £500 plus court costs of £45 and a victim surcharge of £50.

Gary Dobson, 40, of Old Lee Bank, Halifax was caught on the A63 near South Milford on 7 October 2012 riding a BMW RR 1000 in a 70mph limit.

Dobson pleaded guilty by post at Selby Magistrates’ Court on 1 November 2012 and was sentenced today.

144mph is the highest speed detected so far by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile safety camera which was introduced in July 2011.

In first 12 months of the safety camera’s operation (July 11 to June 12 inc) the following offences have been detected:

Total Violations 16,055

Report for Summons 250 (high speed)

Conditional Offer of Fixed penalty 2,126

Speed Awareness course 13,054

Not Proceeded With 625

Mobile camera footage here: http://youtu.be/jjjtphLQr58

Inspector Dave Brown of North Yorkshire Police’s Strategic Roads Policing Group, said: “Mr Dobson has shown shocking disregard for his own safety and that of other road users. He should consider himself lucky to be only facing a driving ban and a hole in his bank balance and not something much more serious.

“Hopefully the ban will give him time to reflect on his actions and also send a clear warning to others of what faces them if they believe the law does not apply to them.

“The safety camera has proved to be a very successful tool in influencing driver behaviour and it will continue to be deployed on roads where we know speeding is an issue. The simple answer is if you don’t speed, you won’t be caught.”

North Yorkshire Police mobile safety (speed) camera routes 7 – 13 November 2012

North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following routes between Wednesday 7 November and Tuesday 13 November 2012.

•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Strensall Road, Huntington, York
•A1237 Monks Cross, York
•The Village, Stockton-on-the-Forest, York
•A1036 Malton Road, York
•A1237 Monks Cross, York
•York Road, Haxby, York
•A64 west-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Broadway, Fulford, York
•Murton Way, Murton, York
•Fordlands Road, Fulford York

Appeal for witnesses to Acomb collision

York police are appealing for witnesses after a cyclist narrowly avoided injury when she was clipped by a car.

The cyclist an, 18-year-old local woman, was riding across the roundabout at the junction with Beckfield Lane and Ridgeway at around 5.10pm on Tuesday 6 November 2012, when a red sports car sped across the roundabout and onto Wetherby Road.

The car, which had a registration plate of YJ01, clipped the cyclist on the way past, nearly knocking her from her bike.

Officers are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident to come forward.


Vigilance urged as thieves target Land Rover Defenders

Vigilance urged as thieves target Land Rover Defenders

North Yorkshire Police are urging owners of Land Rover Defenders to be on their guard against thieves.

The warning comes after the theft of one vehicle and the attempted theft of another in the York area.

A “N” registered Land Rover Defender was stolen from a property in Haxby near York and then used in a suspicious incident at a property in Rawcliffe where officers believe the suspects were targeting another Land Rover. The stolen vehicle was later found abandoned in Foss Way.
