Community rally’s to improve Woodthorpe shopping area

Ann Reid helps out at the Woodthorpe shops clean up

Improvements are slowly being made at Woodthorpe Shops

The front canopy has been replaced and the car park resurfaced.

Some of the walls around the flower beds have been repaired and the Coop has re-laid some paving slabs.

Following Westhorpe Scouts planting of the flower beds in the summer pupils from Woodthorpe School and local residents have been weeding the beds.

Ann says “Working with Woodthorpe School we are hoping to establish “Woodthorpe Weeders” next Spring to maintain and improve the flowerbeds.

Keep an eye on the notice board for weeding sessions if you want to get involved.”

Walk over?

Workers, pupils and residents in York have spent the last three weeks walking enough miles to take them from Land’s End to John O’Groats 19.4 times as part of City of York Council’s i-Travel initiative.

The York Walking Challenge results are in and participants to this popular annual event clocked up an impressive 16,962 miles on foot. This is the equivalent of burning off 2950 muffins and saving 2934 kg of CO2


Minimum time to repond to York market “consultation”

The City of York Council has issued a media release saying that it “is asking traders, shoppers and visitors for their initial thoughts on plans to secure a flourishing future for the historic Newgate Market and its contribution to the city’s retail offering.

This preliminary consultation will involve all traders, including businesses inside and adjacent to the market, working groups and shoppers both local and visiting. It also links to city-wide projects such as Reinvigorate York and Smarter York which are focussing on the appearance and quality of the city.

Dependent on the outcome of the consultation, a bid could be made to the council’s Economic Infrastructure Fund (EIF) which aims to kick-start critical economic infrastructure projects that may not otherwise receive external funding support. If successful, and subject to further consultation on a more refined vision, the visibility and overall appearance of the market could be enhanced in line with an ambitious improvement plan.

This consultation outlines the council’s aims and objectives for the market which includes creating extra jobs from increased footfall and contributing to the evening economy with evening markets and extended trading hours. To do so, consultation respondents will be asked about the appearance of the existing market place and how it might be made more inviting and attract a wider range of businesses”.

The consultation launches on Monday 22 October. To take part, people can visit a mobile exhibition unit at Newgate Market everyday until Sunday 28 October from 9.00 until 4.30pm daily. People can also participate online at or by email at or write to Darren Lovatt, City of York Council, 5 Silver Street, York YO1 8RY. All responses must be received by 31 October 2012

The Council have already announced that they intend to make changes to the market so really the consultation is about what should be done, not whether major change is needed. Stand by for a deluge of reponses asking for the market to return to parliament Street!

Secrecy on York bus service reliability – Council response

Details of the answers given by a Cabinet member to questions about bus service reliability in York have been released by the Council.

Independent checks – undertaken by “mystery travellers” – have been a valuable source of information over the years as they reflect the actual experience of passengers in the city. Suspicion is growing that the Labour Cabinet may have discontinued the checks when they took office – this seems to be the only explanation for their reluctance to publish the results.

The Council was told though that, in future, reliability statistics on “contracted services” (those subsidised by Council taxpayers) might in future be published. No timescale has been given for the release of this information.

Clearly the Council is also embarrassed by the low take up of their much vaunted “all York” ticket which allows travel on any bus in the City irrespective of operator. Information on ticket sales is not forthcoming although a Freedom of Information request is outstanding.

The Council had expected 5% of passengers to take up this option but it now seems that the actual use is much lower.

Hence the Council is thinking up all sorts of reasons for not releasing the information. The ticket enjoys a £20,000 subsidy from taxpayers and was a stop gap pending the introduction of a cashless “smartcard” payment option.

The secrecy is in marked contrast to the call for openness supported by the Coalition governments Transport Minister Norman Baker (see

The answers to questions tabled at the council meeting on 6th October published by the Council include the following.


Council HQ furniture bill revealed

The York Council has ordered 2405 brand new seats and seating units for its new HQ.

Around 1000 staff will be accommodated at the new Toft Green building when it opens next March.

A Freedom of information request has revealed that the Council will spend £2.4 million on furnishings and services of which £917,000 will go on new computers and information technology.

Items already ordered, and being supplied by “Flexiform”, include:

• 2405 seating units
• 1096 desks
• 381 tables
• 551 monitors

Of the seating units, 1186 are “operator chairs”, 148 “ visitor chairs”, 98 café chairs, 678 are described as meeting chairs, 197 as “armchairs” while the rest are made up of modular soft seating & “high stools”.

19 “poser” tables are planned together with 63 coffee tables.

Concerns had been raised earlier in the year about a lack of transparency over decisions on the office move. While the expectation had been that – to make best use of modern open plan office working methods – some new furniture would be required, no Council Cabinet member has publicly authorised the specifications issued to contractors, nor has any scrutiny committee reviewed the plans.

There was an expectation when the project business case was signed off in 2008 that, where possible, existing items of equipment, fixtures and fittings would be reused.

This more cautious approach now seems to have been abandoned.

The Council has not yet tendered for the supply of “white goods”, internal signage or audio visual equipment.

The revelation comes 3 months after the Council Leader refused to answer questions about the management of the move to the new accommodation.

At the Council meeting held on 12th July the Council Leader was asked:

Would the Council Leader please indicate how – and by whom – the specification for the fittings, fixtures and furnishings required at the new Council HQ is being drawn up and what is the agreed budget is for each service/activity area? Would he explain how he intends to monitor the prudent use of the budgets that have been provided for this part of the HQ project and how he intends to update Council members and residents on the progress being made?”

The Council Leader responded that it did not fall within his area of responsibility.

Engage with the Aesthetica Short Film Festival

Venues across York are preparing to welcome filmgoers from 8 – 11 November when the Aesthetica Short Film Festival takes place as part of the York 800 celebrations.

The festival, supported by City of York Council to celebrate excellence and public involvement in this, the 800th year of self government, will take place in 15 locations which range from Mansion House and the Guildhall to bustling boutique cinemas in bars and shops across the city. The inspiring settings are set to delight visitors who attend this event.


Children’s Book Awards Grand Ceremony

Sunday 28 October will see the final chapter of City of York Council’s first Children’s Book Awards, when the overall winners will be announced in the company of two leading authors at a Grand Ceremony at York Explore Library Learning Centre.

The awards were launched in March when children under the age of 14 were invited to nominate their favourite story and picture books of all time. Following the nominations, a short list of five in each category was announced, and children had until 16 September to vote for their favourite.

The short-list was:


LibDems not to contest North Yorkshire seat in Police Commissioner elections

A statement from the local Party on the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections says,

Liberal Democrats have long supported the need for greater transparency and accountability within the police. We believe that policing should have the support of the entire community and be responsive to the communities’ priorities and concerns.

We do not believe that in North Yorkshire it is appropriate to make a single politician responsible for a service which currently has delivered the lowest crime rate in the country and which levies an average bill to local taxpayers of around £200 a year.

While we believe that the Police Authority membership could have been subject to refinement, we also believe that the PCC elections are an unnecessary diversion for a service that has been generally successful in promoting safe and secure neighbourhoods.

King to visit York High School

King Lear a production by The Royal Shakespeare Company at York High School on Cornlands Road

Evening performances are open to all and will take place on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st of November, doors open at 6.45pm and the play starts at 7.30pm. There will be a licensed bar and an interval, after which there will be an opportunity for Q&A and also to meet the cast.

In this new edited version, King Lear is brought vibrantly to life. Stripped down to 75 minutes, the production is a thrilling introduction to one of the greatest plays ever written. These performances are an excellent opportunity to get up close and personal with the actors, away from the traditional theatre setting.

£7 Adults, £3 Concession. Tickets are available by contacting York Theatre Royal Box Office on 01904 623568.

Poppleton York Park and Ride – your chance to dig

Investing in York’s future and a UK first for unearthing York’s past

One of the largest single investments in York’s transport infrastructure has taken a major step forward this week, and for the first time in the UK residents are invited to join archaeologists to unearth any secrets that one of the sites may hold.

A selected list of contractors have been asked to provide their best value offer to construct the £21.9m Access York (Phase 1) scheme which will help deliver the enhanced Park & Ride service for the city.

click to enlarge

Following receipt of the tenders in December and an evaluation by the council final approval for the scheme will be sought from the Department of Transport (DfT) in early 2013. The new sites should be open by April 2014.
