Council call for end to threat of green bin charging

Liberal Democrats will next week formally call on Labour to rule out charging for green bin waste collections after over 1,000 residents came out against the plans.

In July it was revealed that Labour run City of York Council was considering introducing a “subscription-based service” and seasonal garden waste collections in a bid to make budget savings. After the resignation of Cllr Sandy Fraser, then Cabinet Member for Environment Services, Labour’s plans were delayed with public consultation now not due to begin until next year.

However, at next week’s Full Council meeting the Liberal Democrats will call on Labour’s new Cabinet Member, Cllr David Levene, to abandon the plans. The Lib Dem petition against charging has already been signed by 1,173 residents. The Group has also raised concerns that charging will lead to a fall in recycling and a rise in landfill tax for the council. Last month, it was revealed that due to missed recycling targets, the Council will pay £3.3 million in landfill tax this year, an increase of nearly £400,000 on last year. A fall in green waste recycling would make the problem worse.

Councillor Ann Reid, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Environmental Services, commented:

“After months of uncertainty we are calling on Labour to formally abandon the plans to charge for the green bin service. The response from the public has been overwhelming this summer with 1,173 residents so far having signed a petition against the plans. Residents are angry that this frontline service is under threat and they see that this is just another way of getting money out of people for a service that is not changing or improving.

“Without public support these plans are unworkable and could lead to the situation that Labour had in Newcastle, where they introduced charging and over 40,000 residents returned their bins. A similar reaction in York would have a huge impact on recycling rates and could lead to a further rise in the landfill tax the Council is paying. Already, after the closure of the Beckfield Lane site, landfill tax is set to rise by £400,000 this year. A fall in garden waste being recycled will make the problem worse and is likely to cancel out any money raised through charging.

“It is time for Labour to cut their losses and stop spending any more money preparing these unpopular and ill-thought through proposals.”

NB Councillor Ann Reid will ask the Labour Cabinet Member for Environmental Services the following question at next Thursday’s Full Council meeting: “Given the delays in consultation, the threat of a rise in landfill tax charge, and the public opposition, will the Cabinet Member formally rule out introducing charging for the green bin service?”

1173 residents have so far signed a petition against Labour’s plans to introduce charging for green bins.

Programme of essential surfacing works in York

City of York Council will carry out essential surfacing works throughout parts of the city next week.

Starting on Monday 8 October, the council will carry out works to Micro Asphalt the following roads, which will provide a new skid resistant overlay.

B1228 Main Street, Elvington

Netherwindings and West Nooks (Part), Haxby

• Melcombe Avenue, Chipstead Walk and Portisham Place, Strensall

• Longwood Road and Rivelin Way, Clifton Moor

• The Village/Sandy Lane, Stockton on the Forest


Tech support scams

Tech support scams

Cybercriminals might call you on the telephone and claim to be from companies such as Microsoft.

They might offer to help solve your computer problems or sell you a software license.

However, once they have access to your computer, they can do the following:
•Trick you into installing malicious software that could capture sensitive data, such as online banking user names and passwords. They might also then charge you to remove this software.
•Take control of your computer remotely and adjust settings to leave your computer vulnerable.
•Request credit card information so they can bill you for phony services.
•Direct you to fraudulent websites and ask you to enter credit card and other personal or financial information there.

Neither Microsoft nor their partners make unsolicited phone calls (also known as cold calls) to charge you for computer security or software fixes.


Speed camera sites – Wednesday 3 October to Tuesday 9 October 2012

North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following routes between Wednesday 3 October and Tuesday 9 October 2012.

•B1217 Saxton lay-by
•Grange Farm, Wheldrake Lane Elvington
•Woodhouse Farm, Escrick Road
•A1246 Great North Road, Fairburn
•Escrick Road, Stillingfleet Mine
•A64 west-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Brayton Lane, Brayton, Selby
•Barff Lane, Brayton, Selby

York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir concert Saturday

Tickets are still available for the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir concert taking place in the Guildhall this Saturday, 6 October.

The annual concert is held in support of the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund where the award-winning choir will perform a wide variety of pieces with something to suit all musical tastes, including romantic love songs, numbers from popular shows and jazz.

The Lord Mayor of York, Cllr Keith Hyman, said: “Once again we are delighted that the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir is able to support the Christmas Cheer Fund. It’s not only the concert we have to thank them for, but all the time and hard work they put in at rehearsals that make this a wonderful occasion. I look forward to seeing a full Guildhall on Saturday evening, for what I know will be an outstanding and uplifting evening.”

Visit York is supporting the event by selling tickets through the visitor information centre and they will be on sale right through until Saturday. Tickets can also be bought from the Guildhall reception during office hours.

Tickets are priced at £9 each, and all the proceeds from the evening will go to the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund, which will this year provide a Christmas reception for 800 elderly York residents. The concert starts at 7.30pm, and the ticket price includes an interval drink.

Low emission plans for York

The York Council looks set to agree to ban high emission buses and commercial vehicles from the City.

A low emission strategy, first proposed in 2010 should finally get the green light next Tuesday. However, a public consultation exercise conducted earlier in the year attracted responses from fewer than 50 residents.

Sadly the road this strategy has followed has been tortuous and is littered with exaggerated claims and false starts.

A Labour opposition spokesman claimed in 2009 that 158 people died in York because of poor air quality. That seemed unlikely and it emerged last month that this figure was a pro rata extrapolation of a national study which cited “50,000” deaths. The logic applied was that because York has 0.3% of the UK population then it must have the same proportion of air quality deaths!!

In fact no accurate statistical evidence, of the effect that air quality has on local health, currently exists.

Nevertheless, the City now needs to make more progress on improving air quality (a problem in some of our narrow streets, when, in the absence of any wind, levels of NO2 and PMs can reach unacceptable levels). An officer report candidly admits that they don’t actually know why emission levels have been rising recently at some locations. They vaguely blame it on an increase in the number of diesel fuelled vehicles.

It is unfortunate that when Labour took control of the Council in May 2011 they jettisoned some important initiatives.

• A low emission bus trial was taking place on the Fulford corridor This was abandoned as the Council went on an, ultimately fruitless, search for a citywide bus franchise. Relations with York’s largest bus service provider also deteriorated against a background of public recriminations. No low emission buses have yet been ordered for the City (

eco bus

• Talks started in 2008 with a taxi operator who was interested in running low emission hybrid cars in the City. With the Council dithering over its priorities for taxi design the opportunity was lost and other Cities have now overtaken York.

• One of the first budget changes made by the new Council was to increase the ResPark badge fees paid by the owners of low emission vehicles. (Ironically they froze the charges for larger vehicles)

• Trials of a new car for the Lord Mayor had been going on for several months. The last Council had decided to evaluate the new Toyota Prius Plus, 7 seater, which was launched in the summer. Unfortunately by then, the new Council had opted for a more expensive vehicle with a 2.4 litre diesel engine. The opportunity to set an example was lost.

More hybrid cars in York over last few months

• Labour are also pressing ahead with their 20 mph citywide speed limit. This means that most cars will – if they observe the limit – be pushing out higher emissions than they would if they were travelling at 30 mph.

But the main failing of the current approach is the continued unwillingness of the Council to admit how much the transport changes (and particularly the vehicle bans) will cost and what the likely timescale is for it’s implementation. All the report to Tuesdays meeting says is that a further report will appear next year.

To support their plan the Council have issued a media statement which includes the following:


Map showing the location of salt bins that will not be filled this winter

Labours decsion not to fill nearly 50% of the salt bins, that are out on the streets of York, this winter is being “called in” for review.

It is expected that the meeting -which will be open to members of the public – will take place within the next fortnight.

Meanwhile it is becoming clearer which bins will not be filled. A map showing those that are being abandoned in west York is reproduced below.

click to enlarge

In Dringhouses 29 bins will not be filled this winter.

Changes to refuse collection in York

The Council have issued the following media release.

On the face of it having an on line option for checking when the next refuse collection is due at a particular house could be a handy tool.

This is particularly the case in those parts of the City with a large transient – student – population.

However we believe that it will be a precursor to introducing different day collections on different weeks.

The Council leadership would be mistaken if it believed that an online calendar would allow every resident to understand what was happening and when.

Many residents do not have internet access (about 40% at the last count).

New online waste collection checker launched

A new online service from City of York Council is helping residents check when their refuse and recycling collections are scheduled.

At residents can type in their postcode to find out details of their household waste collections. This provides information on when their last collections were due and when the next ones are scheduled, as well as double checking where they should present their waste.

The weblink also offers information on grey bins and black bags with rubbish for landfill, green waste and kerbside recycling collections together with information on the waste containers and items which can be taken for recycling.

As part of the council’s drive to offer residents more choice in how they access services, this new facility is part of a suite of ‘Do it online’ services. Found at, they give fast, round-the-clock access to people who want to make applications, book or find services, have their say on consultations, make payments to the council or report matters like graffiti or fly-tipping.

Waste collection information is also available from City of York Council’s Customer Centre on 01904 551551 from 8.30am to 7pm on weekdays”.

“What’s on in York”: Oct – Dec 2012

Engage with new sports & activities 30th Sept/7th Oct New Earswick & others. Over 22 different sessions are taking part in the Eng-AGE 50+ Games week and a wide variety of sports are on offer, including golf, bowls, racketball, athletics, tennis and yoga. The week launches with an Open Day at New Earswick Indoor Bowls Club and is the first of many free taster sessions and open days call 01904 553377or visit:,

Football City v Fleetwood 2nd Oct Tues Bootham Cres

Ebor Lecture Roy Hattersley 3rd Oct Minster

Dara O Briain 4th Oct Thurs 8:00pm Barbican

Be a Sport Maker 4th Oct Thurs 6:00pm York College Sport Makers are the people who directly make sport happen at the local level. Some Sport Makers will organise sport for themselves and their friends, colleagues and neighbours. Others won’t be taking part themselves, but will be doing all those other things that make the sporting activity possible. Everyone who chooses to become a Sport Maker is invited to come to an inspiring workshop at York College on Oct 4, 6-9pm. They will then be supported to find local opportunities that suit them to increase participation in sport.

Soul Sister 1st/6th Oct Mon – Sat Grand Opera House

The Guinea Pig Club 5th/13th Oct Theatre Royal

Ryedale Festival Chorus 6th Oct 7:30pm Barbican

Football City v Rotherham 6th Oct Bootham Cres

The Steve Cassidy Band 7th Oct Theatre Royal

Ray Davis 8th Oct Mon Barbican

Welly Workout 8th Oct Mon West Bank Park Help to tidy up the pond areas of West Bank Park and have a brilliant welly workout! In West Bank Park the flower beds have become overgrown with ground elder. We will be removing this and planting the areas with wildlife friendly plants. For further information contact Jenny Cairns: 07833 436832

Touch down, with touch rugby 8th/10th Oct Canon Lee/Huntington schools Touch Rugby League is a fast moving, evasive and involves minimal contact. The is a game played all over the world by men and women of all ages and skills levels. The game really does involve minimal contact and is all about playing the game on the field and also the social atmosphere afterwards. For further information call 01904 553377

Football City v Coventry 9th Oct Bootham Cres

Maddy Prior 9th Oct &:30pm Early Music Centre

Blue/Orange 9th/13th Oct Grand Opera House

National Chocolate week 9th Oct Tues 10:00am York Cocoa House. Share your thoughts and memories of an industry York is famed for, as the city embraces this year’s Chocolate Week. York Stories 2012 is asking people of York to commemorate National Chocolate Week, with contributions of their own “Sweet Thoughts” of York’s Chocolate and Confectionery Industry. Your memories might be of your first job, the social life of the factories, the thousands of bicycles making their way through York when clocking off time came, the smell of chocolate across the city, or the special memories your favourite chocolate bar evokes every time you eat it. The confectionery industry has played a major role in the shaping of modern York, this is a wonderful opportunity to collect and celebrate the industry that so many people have been involved in. Residents of all ages with sweet memories and experiences are invited to visit York Cocoa House, Blake Street on Tuesday 9 Oct 10am to 5pm where they can share their stories, pictures and memories. Come and meet members of staff, or the “artist in residence” who’ll be capturing Sweet Thoughts during the day, and indulge in a little chocolate treat in return. Sweet Thoughts Day is part of the York Stories 2012, York 800 community project which aims to encourage people to tell and share stories that are personal and unique to the city of York. For more information email

Juan Martin 10th Oct Wed 7:30pm Early music centre

The Magic of Motown 11th Oct Thurs 8:00pm Barbican

Knitting for everyone 11th /22nd Oct Thurs Jo Ro school Beginners will learn all the basics… casting on (& off), knit & purl stitch, increasing/ decreasing, etc. Advanced knitters can learn new and unusual stitches plus techniques for achieving a professional finish to garments.With the skills you learn, you will be able to pick up a knitting pattern and start making your own woolly creations for your friends and family! This course is for adults. To book a course or for more information visit

Newton Faulkner 12th Oct Fri 7:00pm Barbican

Horse racing 12th/13th Oct Knavesmire

Joan Armatrading 13th Oct Sat 7:00pm Barbican

Food for picking 13th Oct 10:30am West Bank Park We will look at different fruits and berries that are edible. Learn which need cooking before eating, which are fine to pick straight off the plant, and which to stay well clear of. We will also look at plants where the leaves, roots or seeds can be eaten and the best way to prepare them. During the session we will hopefully be able to collect something to make tea with, depending what is available. (We will not be covering fungi as part of this course.) Please book a space by contacting Jenny Cairns on 07833 436832

Bigger life online 15th/21st Oct Reading café. Not just for beginners – if you are reading this you are probably already using a computer but read on… may know people who would like to learn how to use the internet so please send them our way during Get Online Week (or to a library at any time as we are always happy to help). There are also a host of other events during the week including history workshops, iPad and gadget drop-ins, online job searching and information on how technology can improve independent living. Libraries throughout York will also be promoting their new online resources and practice tests and ebooks and fiction will be on the menu at the Reading Cafe in Rowntree Park.

Monkey Poets Murder Mystery 16th Oct Theatre Royal

Jack Dee 17th Oct Tues Grand Opera House

Robertson Crusoe No Mans Island 17th Oct Theatre Royal

Explore the life of Joseph Rowntree 18th Oct Thurs Rowntree Park This local history talk with Nestle Archivist, Alex Hutchinson, will give an introduction to York’s world famous, Rowntree Family, in particular focusing on the life of Joseph Rowntree, his passion for reading, libraries and learning, and his desire for Rowntree Park to aid the citizens of York of all ages towards a healthier and happier life. For more information or you can book your tickets in person at Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

Sensational 60’s experience 18th Oct Thurs Grand Opera House

Caribbean Spook Tales 18th Oct Theatre Royal

Stand up York 18th Oct 7:30pm Barbican

Dombey and Son 19th/20th Oct Theatre Royal

Football City v Dagenham 20th Oct Bootham Cres

Black Eyed Teaz and Disco 20th Oct Racecourse

Last night of the proms 20th Oct Theatre Royal

York Guildhall Orchestra 20th Oct 7:30pm Barbican

Greg Davies 20th Oct Sat Grand Opera House

Brides Fair 21st Oct Racecourse

Diamend Kids 21st Oct Grand Opera House

Gwyneth Herbert 21st Oct 7:30pm Early Music Centre

Welly Workout 22nd Oct Rowntree Park In Rowntree Park we will be putting down a woodchip viewing area at the side of the pond and replacing the edges to the woodland paths. For further information contact Jenny Cairns: 07833 436832

The Proclaimers 22nd Oct Mon Grand Opera House

The Illegal Eagles 22nd Oct Mon Grand Opera House

Othello 23rd/27th Oct Theatre Royal

David Essex 25th Oct Thurs 7:30pm Barbican

Jaws at Yearsley pool 26th Oct Yearsley Pool Don’t miss this opportunity to see an old time classic film in a great environment. Dip your toe into the water as Orillo Cinema brings the Jaws experience to Yearsley Pool! There will be lots of surprises throughout the night, so don’t risk missing out! Further details to follow on

Farmers Market 26th Oct Parliament Street

Ross Noble 26th/27th Oct Grand Opera House

Paul Carrack 26th Oct Fri 7:30pm Barbican

Fun with Paddington Bear 27th/4th Nov Railway Museum

Grease 29th/3rd Oct/Nov Grand Opera House

Vic Reeves Wonderland 31st/3rd Nov Museum Gardens Come along to Illuminating York 2012 and discover York in a new light. Let yourself be transported through the glorious chaos and absurd world of Vic Reeves’ Wonderland. Lose yourself in the amazing ten acres of the spectacularly lit York Museum Gardens. See how modern lighting and technology showcase the work of Vic Reeves, transforming the peaceful, tranquil gardens into a maze of magic, mayhem and mischief! This year’s Illuminating York is a ticketed event and we strongly advise you to purchase tickets in advance.Tickets are priced £5 per person for over 16’s. Children aged 6-16 £1, under 5’s free. Under 16’s must be accompanied by a paying adult. For more information visit

Illuminating York 31st/ 3rd Oct/Nov Various

Illuminating York Minster 31st/3rd Oct/Nov Minster
Opening of the Orb An elliptical treasure-house,showcasing some of world’s most important stained-glass, medieval art.

Fragments of Masterpieces A Kaleidoscopia of light from artist Andy McKeown. Wear light clothing and become part of the Illumination!

800 Candles for the Departed In the time of All Souls & All Saints, light one of the special 800 Candles in memory of a loved one. Epic stories Children can explore carvings by torchlight and enjoy storytelling in the children’s chapel.

Illuminated York Tower Trips Experience panoramic views of moonlit Yorkshire from the Tower top

Rhod Gilbert 1st Nov Thur 8:00pm Barbican

Celebration with Glorious Music 2nd Nov Theatre Royal

His dark materials part 1 1st/3rd Nov Theatre Royal

End of desire/escaping Alice 2nd/24th Nov Theatre Royal

John Etheridge and Chris Garrick 2nd Nov 7:30pm Early Music Centre

The Cribs 3rd Nov 7:00pm Barbican

Bonfire and fireworks 3rd Nov 5:00pm Poppleton Centre Admission (adults) £6 tel 797478

Festival of Remembrance 4th Nov Sat 7:00pm Barbican

Christy Moore 5th Nov Mon 7:30pm Barbican

Fireworks display 4th Nov Sun 4:00pm Rawcliffe Country Park. Admission £7-50p (including bus ticket) Cars £40. Web site:

“Gunpowder Plod” and Fireworks 5th Nov Knavesmire Admission (adults) £12 Car parking in advance £5. Web site:

Fireworks display 5th Nov York Maze Admission £12-95 Web site:
