170 salt bins won’t be filled this winter – but they will be left out on the streets!

It’s perhaps not surprising that, when on Tuesday a Labour Councillor took the decision, not to fill many of York’s salt bins this winter; he remained safely “behind closed doors”.

When the Council’s new culture of secrecy was introduced in the spring, residents were told that matters of public interest would continue to be debated in public.

There is nothing of more interest to people than being able to get around safely in icy conditions, especially if we have a poor winter.

But no agenda was published for Tuesdays meeting and the officer report has only just being made public 2 days after the decision was taken (http://tinyurl.com/York-salt-bin-policy-2012)

Council report. click to enlarge

The report reveals that Labour plan only to fill the 199 bins provided through the “highways budget” this winter. The remaining 170 were filled using funding provided by Ward Committees (following the annual ballot of resident’s priorities).

Residents, of course, make no distinction on the Councils internal budget arrangements. It is all taxpayer’s money either way.

Bizarrely, in one ward, Labour allocated the money, that could have been used to fill the bins, to a project to “purchase new pantomime costumes”.

Many of the salt bins – that are now being left out all year – are already in poor condition. Some have been vandalised, while the salt in some has congealed making them unusable.

Yet the new policy would see these bins retained (empty) on our streets -monuments to a more sensible policy

Time to think again on this one.

Stop smoking: October challenge

Stoptober’s challenge for York

A national campaign is calling for all smokers in York to join a 28-day quitting challenge.

During October, smokers in York are being encouraged to take part in the first ever mass quit attempt launched by the Department of Health – Stoptober.

We know that if you can stop smoking for 28 days you are five times more likely to stay smokefree, and Stoptober leads smokers through a detailed step-by-step programme to help them achieve this goal.

Many famous faces, organisations, employers, City of York Council and North Yorkshire NHS Stop Smoking Service are supporting the brand new stop smoking campaign in a bid to get people to quit.

The new campaign includes a preparation pack, 28-day Quit Calendar and Health & Wealth wheel. Smokers will also receive support and encouragement through a daily messaging service, inspiration from celebrity mentors, and expert advice via:

• Stoptober app (available via Smartphone)
• Motivational text messages
• Facebook page.


North Yorkshire Police mobile safety (speed) camera routes 26 September – 2 October 2012

North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following roads between Wednesday 26 September and Tuesday 2 October 2012.

•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•A64 west-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Broadway, Fulford, York
•Murton Way, Murton, York
•Fordlands Road, Fulford York
•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•B1228 Main Street, Elvington, York
•B1228 Dunnington Lodge, Elvington, York
•A1237 Monks Cross, York

Flooding update – York open for “business as usual”

The Environment Agency expects river levels in York to peak this afternoon. They are likely to be the highest seen over the last 5 or so years but they are unlikely to reach an historic high for the Ouse.

Some riverside properties are subject to flood risk. http://tinyurl.com/Skelton-river-levels

The retail, tourism and business sectors of the City are still functioning with minimal disruption

The Foss is at record high levels with some localised flooding.

A list of local flood warnings can be found here http://tinyurl.com/York-flooding-26th-Sept-2012

Upstream, all tributaries are now showing declining river levels. http://tinyurl.com/Ouse-catchment

NB. The A1 southbound near Sedgefield remains closed but is expected to reopen at about 5:00pm.

Train services are still disrupted. Details can be found here: http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/service_disruptions/today.html#

Changes to First bus services (Poppleton, Skeldergate etc) can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/First-bus-service-updates

Why Joseph Rowntree would love Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

Thursday 18 October 6pm – 7pm, Rowntree Park Reading Cafe.

Celebrate the opening of Rowntree Park Reading Cafe and explore the life of Joseph Rowntree and why he would approve of this innovative library model.

This local history talk with Nestle Archivist, Alex Hutchinson, will give an introduction to York’s world famous, Rowntree Family, in particular focusing on the life of Joseph Rowntree, his passion for reading, libraries and learning, and his desire for Rowntree Park to aid the citizens of York of all ages towards a healthier and happier life.

Tickets cost £4 and are available online from the http://tinyurl.com/Rowntree-18th-Oct-12 or from Rowntree Park Reading Café tel: (01904) 551489 .

A59 £600,000 bus scheme being rushed through by Council

Grantham Drive to The Fox proposals. click to enlarge

An urgent item has been added to a council meeting which is taking place on Thursday.

If approved it would see works start almost immediately on the bus priority measures recently consulted on which affect the Boroughbridge Road areas of the Holgate and Acomb Wards.

Dozens of objections were raised by residents during a recent consultation process on the section of Boroughbridge Road between Grantham Drive and The Fox roundabout.

There were fewer objections to the proposals for the Water End to Carr Lane section.

The report and list of objections can be found here http://tinyurl.com/Boroughbridge-Road-27th-Sept-1

Carr Lane to Water End proposals. click to enlarge

Although residents have the right to attend and register to speak at Thursday’s meeting, it is unlikely that many will even know that the bus lane and parking changes are being discussed!

Floods in York

1600 update. Flood warnings have now been issued for river front properties in York as river levels continue to rise.

It looks like record high levels are being reached on the Swale (Catterick Bridge), Ure (Ripon) and Nidd (Gouthwaite). http://tinyurl.com/Ouse-catchment

All this water will be heading for York so it’s mildly reassuring that neither the Council nor emergency services seem to be concerned enough to issue high level warnings or put their contingency plans into gear?

A lot, of course, depends on when it stops raining.

These are the direct links to the Environment Agencies water level monitoring stations for York.

They give the current river levels and compare them to historical records.

Levels are all now in the range where some flooding is possible and the Agency is forecasting further rises in the levels later today.

Holgate http://tinyurl.com/Holgate-beck-level

City centre http://tinyurl.com/York-City-centre-river-level

Foss barrier http://tinyurl.com/Foss-Barrier-river-level

New Earswick http://tinyurl.com/New-Earswick-river-level

Skelton/Poppleton http://tinyurl.com/Skelton-river-levels

Update 1300: A1 north & south blocked near Darlington. East Coast main line services to and from the north suspended.

Mid day Update: St George’s Field car park in York is beginning to flood. City of York Council ask any motorists parked there to return to their cars

Check out the current river level position on this Kings Staith web cam http://www.farsondigitalwatercams.com/live-webcams/north/Ouse/York/#

It the water level rises above the top of the “no entry” sign then some properties are likely to flood.

You can register to receive flood warnings from the Environment Agency here https://fwd.environment-agency.gov.uk/app/olr/home

Council distorting 20 mph arguments

The arguments about the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit across the whole of York seem likely to intensify with the publication and distribution by the Council of a highly misleading leaflet on the subject.

click to enlarge

The cost of producing and distributing the leaflet is not revealed – a clear breach of the agreement that there would be transparency about such issues. Since 2001 all Council publications have included a line indicating publication costs. Generally publishing a leaflet and delivering to every household costs around £10,000.

The tone of the leaflet is highly patronising and seeks to mislead the public about the level of support for the 20 mph proposal.

It disingenuously quotes 80% support for a 20 mph limit in South Bank without revealing the number who responded to the consultation nor revealing that in 2009 – when the decision to implement a trial 20 mph limit in South Bank was taken – it was in the wake of speed surveys revealing that traffic speeds in the area were already well under 20 mph. The only issue was whether the large cost of putting up 20 mph repeater signs represented a prudent use of taxpayer’s money.

click to enlarge

The introduction of 20 mph limits elsewhere in the country, where recorded speeds were already around 20 mph, resulted only in a 1 mph actual reduction in mean speeds.

It would be unsurprising if residents in the South Bank area, which is comprised mainly of relatively narrow terraced streets with large volumes of “on street” parking – which effectively slows traffic , would vote in a way which might be interpreted as encouraging vehicles to travel quicker.
