Noise nuisance in York: complaint numbers revealed

The Council has revealed that it has dealt with over 500 complaints about noise this year already.

With the fair weather arriving, this total seems likely to increase.

Worst affected ward is Westfield where 81 complaints have been received. The large number of flats in the ward may be partly responsible for the trend.

The Council has seized 5 items of equipment (radios, TV’s etc) connected with the complaints.

A “Freedom of Information” request has revealed the number of complaints registered over recent years.
• 2009 = 2557
• 2010 = 2434
• 2011 = 1819 (Recording methods changed so multiple complaints now recorded as one complaint)
• 2012 = 550

Noise complaints. click to enlarge

abatement notices issued. click to enlarge

Residents experiencing problems with noise can complain to the Councils Environmental Protection Unit, make an enquiry or seek advice during normal office hours as follows:
Telephone: (01904) 551555
Write to: EPU, c/o 9 St Leonard’s Place, York YO1 7ET
Call at: 9 St Leonard’s Place, York YO1 7ET

Residents also complain about noise on Friday and Saturday nights, between 9.00pm and 3.00am, by telephoning the Noise Patrol service on tel: (01904) 551555.
They can also investigate complaints outside of the above hours by prior appointment.

A step by step guide to dealing with noise problems can be found here

Mobile safety (speed) camera locations: Wednesday 30 May and Tuesday 12 June 2012 (two weeks).

North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following roads between Wednesday 30 May and Tuesday 12 June 2012 (two weeks).

•Strensall Road, Huntington, York
•A1237 Monks Cross, York
•The Village, Stockton On Forest, York
•A1036 Malton Road, York
•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•A64 west-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Temple Lane, Copmanthorpe, York
•A1036 Tadcaster Road, Acomb, York
•A63 Milford Hotel Newthorpe
•A1246 Ledsham (more…)

Senior citizens in York asked to complete “on line” questionaire

click to enlarge

As reported previously the Council is planning to withdraw care support from 160 mainly elderly residents living in York.

The latest figures issued by the Council (see right) confirm that the numbers seeking care support actually fell last year.

Despite this, the Councillor responsible for the service has been quoted in the media as saying care costs will increase by £3.7 million next year!

Residents will want to know where that figure has come from?

The Councils budget -agreed in February – forecast that removing care support from people with “moderate” needs would save £270,000 over 2 years.

A year ago the Council had embarked on a project which would have seen the techniques and efficiencies, applied by private sector providers, extended to all users. The effects of this programme (mainly affecting home care and the “enablement” service which helps former hospital patients become self sufficient) have not been reported back to residents.

In York, the majority of care users already choose the private sector to supply their needs (the Council having assessed an individuals needs, provides a budget to cover the costs. The customer can then either choose a Council or independent sector Care provider).

Now a “consultation” on the changes to eligibility criteria has begun.

Unfortunately it seems unlikely that many who are affected will complete an “on line” survey and if they do, with so many unanswered questions, the value of the exercise is questionable.

Pulling up trees

Police investigate York tree theft

York police are appealing for information following the theft of bonsai trees.

They were stolen from a garden on Willans Grove between 10.30pm on Monday 21 May and 7.30am on Tuesday 22 May 2012. The 15 trees, of various sizes, are valued at around £1,500. (more…)

Sandcroft Road clampdown on anti social behaviour

City of York Council, North Yorkshire Police and Safer York Partnership are working with local residents to crackdown on anti-social behaviour in the Dringhouses area of York.

The council in conjunction with the police served a closure notice at 36 Sandcroft Road, York (on Sunday 27 May).

The notice has been served as a result of allegations of anti social behaviour (ASB) at the premises and is in accordance with legislation, which made amendments to the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 and came into force in December 2008.

The allegations of ASB reported include gangs of numerous youths, shouting, swearing, both in the house and also in the garden area and loud music. (more…)

Selective survey of residents views announced

The annual survey of resident’s opinion, which has been undertaken by the York Council for over a decade, is being scaled back this year.

Instead of circulating a copy to each household, the survey will only be available to most residents through the Councils web site.

Residents can access it here

This is really the only opportunity for residents to have their say about the swingeing cuts to street level services that have been implemented by Labour since they took office.

One question specifically asks how residents think that the Council is performing (!)

The survey stops short of asking whether residents would prefer to see free “WiFi” access provided or retain facilities like the Beckfield Lane recycling centre.

It also misses the opportunity to look to the future and assess views about Labour’s plans.

So there is no question about charging for emptying green wheelie bins or whether residents think it prudent to add £20 million to the Councils debt burden although it is seeking to prioritise which part of the City centre this money might be spent on (e.g. Duncombe Place or Parliament Street).

£1.5 million investment in York Crematorium

The York Council has awarded contracts of over £1.5 million to modernise the cremators at the York crematorium on Bishopthorpe Road.

Local company William Birch will undertake the installation contract for a sum of £471,370.

The 2 new incinerators are to be supplied by ACI at a cost of £1.095 million.

The new facilities will meet the latest mercury emission standards.

The Crematorium produces a substantial operating surplus each year for the Council. Each cremation is charged at £699 (per adult).

95 are fined by York Council for litter and dog fouling

95 on-the-spot fines were issued by the York Council in the financial year April 2011-March 2012.

The vast majority were issued for littering offences. Despite the continuing problems with graffiti not a single fixed penalty notice (FPN) was issued by Council staff for this offence during the last financial year.

In total the Council received £4,675 in fines for the littering offences plus £250 for dog fouling.

The detailed figures are:
• Litter – 90 FPNs (+ 36 Stopped for Littering Notices & Warnings issued to under 18s)
• Dogs Fouling – 5 FPNs
• Graffiti – 0
• Fly Posting – 0
• Dog Control – 0
• Distribution of Literature – 0
• Waste Receptacles – 0

Fixed penalty notices can be issued by the Council’s 7 Street environment Officers. In addition 4 other officers are authorised to issue notices for dog fouling.

Our Lady’s School site

Our Lady's school

We understand that a Developer has now expressd an interest is purchasing the former Our Lady’s school site off Windsor Garth.

Although their detailed intentions and timetable are unclear, we understand that discussions with the owners (the Diocese of Middlesbrough) are continuing.

Residents had expressed concern about the vulnerability of the building to vandalism and the possible theft of building materials and scrap.

We will provide more details as they become available.

Extra pilates classes for Acomb

City of York Council is adding extra pilates classes for the over 50s, due to popular demand. Sessions run every Tuesday 1pm-2pm at the York RI Sports Ground in Acomb and cost £4.50 a class

The rise in popularity is partly due to the success of the Eng-AGE 50+ Activity day in February. The day allowed people to try a range of sports that are available specifically for the over 50s in York, which include pilates. (more…)