Free compost on Sunday 9:30am – 2:30pm Harewood Whin

City of York Council and Yorwaste have teamed up to give local residents free compost this spring and summer.

Green fingered gardeners will be able to collect their free compost from Yorwaste’s Harewood Whin site, on Tinker Lane, off Wetherby Road on:

• Sunday 6 May
• Sunday 3 June
• Sunday 8 July
• Sunday 5 August
• Sunday 2 September
• Sunday 7 October

The compost will be available from 9.30am until 2.30pm each day and residents are asked to bring a shovel and bags or containers to take the compost home in.

Ward Committees downgraded

Changes to the way Ward Committees are run, and massive reductions in budgets, will leave residents with few opportunities to become involved in the local community.

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor Ann Reid can reveal that the amount that Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward Committee will have to spend this year has reduced from over £33,000 to just £4455 .

“Not only has the budget been drastically reduced but the Labour administration is telling residents how they can spend this measly amount” says Ann

“It is a disgrace”.

“Residents voted for schemes in good faith and now Labour are telling them that 3 out of the top 10 most popular ones cannot be funded.

The Community Rangers patrols, supporting the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Fire Service, new play equipment and a new pedestrian island on Tadcaster Rodd have all been jettisoned.”

Only bids from voluntary organisations solely based in the ward can be considered and Ward Committees can no longer fund council provided services such as new lamp posts or salt bins.

Only one formal Ward Committee meeting will be held each year with others organised by Ward Councillors and residents “informally”.

The next Dringhouses and Woodthorpe meeting is provisionally set for 11th June but no venue has been arranged yet.

Come along and help decide how the £4455 is spent and find out how these changes affect our community


New canopy at Woodthorpe shops

Residents will have seen that the canopy along the front if the shops has finally been repaired and is now looking smart.

Council Officers have made some progress with the Co-op, who are responsible for most of the forecourt and the car park. They have committed to resurfacing the car park area behind the garage before the summer and then carryout regular litter picks on both part of the car park.

They have agreed to repair the walls around the flower beds, the damaged bollard and the loose paving slabs.

Westthorpe Scouts are keen to undertake a Community Project and the Co-op have agreed that they can improve, plant out and maintain 2 of the flower beds. They are planning to carryout the project in May and have the support of B & Q.

Both the Dick Turpin and the florists are also keen to be involved.

“This area has been an ongoing problem for many years because of the problems with ownership” said Ann Reid. “Hopefully the Co-op will support the community in finally solving some of the ongoing problems”.

Adults urged to learn something different

Adults across the city are being asked to try something new as part of City of York Council’s York 800 Adult Learners week, starting on 12 May.

The week, which runs alongside national Adult Learners’ Week, will give residents the chance to get involved in a wide range of activities, including how to connect to the internet to view their family history, and a master class in creative digital photography with flowers.

Other courses include

• Landscape painting in 19th century Russia
• Helping you to get a job
• Assembling your personal statement
• Healthier, happier you
• Lunchtime limber (circle dance)

For more information on the York 800 Adult learners week please see

For more information on national Adult Learners Week visit

Libraries confirm “Mystery in the Minster” as Big City Read

York Libraries have confirmed that this year’s Big City Read will be ‘Mystery in the Minster’ by Susanna Gregory, the latest novel in the bestselling Matthew Bartholomew crime series.

In her 17th Chronicle, Susanna brings Matthew to York to sort out a dispute over land. What starts as a legal wrangle ends in murder. From July to September 2012 York Libraries will be running a programme of events, walks, talks and workshops to tie in with the themes in the novel, including an author appearance from Susanna herself.

We recommend “Mystery in the Minster” as an excellent “who done it” set against a background of streets and institutions that many York residents will recognise.

Sunday 20 May – the brochure comes out

On Sunday 20 May the Library team will launch the Big City Read brochure at a special day at Explore York. They say “Come and pick up a brochure from us, have a chat to some of the Big City Read team, and be one of the first to book your tickets for the summer events”.

You could also join in one of the following events:

800 Years of ‘A City Making History’

1.30pm-2.30pm, in the Marriott Room at Explore York. Join Archivist Victoria Hoyle as she explores the forgotten corners of York’s civic archive. Find out about our treasure-trove of thousands of unique documents, each one telling a unique story. A sneak preview of our summer exhibition! Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment by contacting (01904) 552828 or If you can’t make this date, a similar talk will be taking place on Thursday 17 May.

Palaeography Tasters – How to read old handwriting

Handwriting has changed a lot over the last 800 years. Try your hand at deciphering the writing of a Tudor Mayor and a Georgian lady. Drop in any time on Sunday 20 May to have a go.

Other events begin in July when Susanna herself launches the Big City Read at 7pm on Wednesday 25 July at Explore York Library Learning Centre


Litter bins to be reduced in York

It seems that the Council will go ahead with its threat to reduce the number of litter bins in the City Centre. The are over 100 litter bins in use at present, each costing about £80. They are to be replaced with a small number of “big belly” bins costing around £3000 each.

53 convention bins will be replaced by just 13 of the green monsters.

A recent trial of one of the bins in Acomb proved disastrous with litter levels increasing everywhere.

One advantage of the big bins is that they can automatically report that they are full. However – as we have seen with the flawed roll out of the Iphone “app” for reporting fly tipping & graffiti – unless resources are available to deal promptly with reports then a problem can actually be made worse by change.

The huge “big belly” bins are visually intrusive and their roll out would conflict with the Councils stated aim of reducing street clutter. More seriously though, high levels of litter could damage the City’s image and deter tourists.

There is a place for the use of large bins. The supplying company offers models which allow for recyclable materials to be segregated. We can see that the careful distribution of this type of bin could be helpful in a busy City Centre.
……. but the widespread deployment of appropriately sized, conveniently located, litter bins should remain a high priority for a City which is so dependant on income from tourism.

The Council has recently acquired a poor reputation for taking impulsive decisions without thinking through the costs or long terms consequences of their actions.

We’ll be watching the decision meeting which is taking place on 15th May to see whether the “whole life” costs of the change are revealed

Busking Festival set for York in early June

York’s streets are alive with entertainment!

York’s very first festival celebrating street performance, Buskival, is launched today by City of York Council. This new event is sponsored by city centre retailer, HomeSense and will take place on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June between 11am and 4pm at 12 different city centre locations, including outside quality homeware for less retailer, HomeSense, at Foss Islands Road.

York has had a long association with street entertainers and this festival will celebrate the sometimes wacky but wonderful tradition by showcasing the successful busking scheme operated by City of York Council. A trail of busking pitches will be created around York during the Diamond Jubilee weekend, which will form an easy path for members of the public to enjoy.

With over 50 buskers, entertainers and magicians there will be something for everyone to enjoy. To add to the occasion and put the festival into Buskival, some award winning street performers have also been specially invited to perform during the weekend.

As part of the two-day festival there will be a competition for members of the public to choose their favourite amateur busker. The winning artist will win £200 and there will also be runner-up prizes for second and third place.


Extended Criminal Record checks for York Taxi drivers

The Council has decided to amend its policy to allow Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks to be undertaken for hackney carriage and private hire driver licence applicants, and on existing drivers when CRB renewals are undertaken. The current policy is for applicants to undertake a Standard CRB check.

The follows a recent legislative change by the Home Office to permit local authorities to request Enhanced Checks, announced on 29 February 2012 taking effect from 26 March 2012. (The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Amendment) Regulations 2012).

As part of the licensing process Licensing Authorities have to be satisfied the hackney carriage and private hire driver licence applicants are fit and proper persons before issuing a licence. CRB renewals are carried out on existing drivers to satisfy the Licensing Authority that they are still a fit and proper person to hold a driver licence. By law, the Licensing Authority shall not licence a driver unless they are satisfied of this.

A CRB check on a driver is regarded by the Council as an important safety measure for all drivers.

Katy B at Knavesmire for Olympic Flame concert: 19th June

Katy B

Stars set to shine at evening celebration to welcome Olympic Flame

Katy B will be lighting up the Coca Cola stage with former Blue Peter presenter Andy Akinwolere at York Racecourse on 19 June as the climax act for the evening celebration of the Olympic Torch coming to York, it has been announced today (3 May 2012).

Besides Katy B who has released a single with Mark Ronson to mark the Olympic celebrations, the party on York’s Knavesmire will also feature a session with local African drumming groups Umbu and Calabash and also the sensational gospel sounds of the University of York’s choir Zamar.

The celebration will be open to all, unticketed and people who want to join the celebration and throw themselves into the sporting spirit are invited to tell City of York Council that they’re coming to the party by simply clicking onto and following the link.

For the Tadcaster Road torch route. See:


York people living longer

The York Council are reporting, in a “Health and Wellbeing in York: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment”, that York residents are living longer.

” City of York Council, the Primary Care Trust and partners have worked together to produce a report to help inform the future direction of health and wellbeing in the city. As part of the government’s far-reaching health reforms, local authorities will take on more responsibility for public health from April 2013.

The report called the Health and Wellbeing in York: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2012 (JSNA) brings together information on current and future health and wellbeing needs. It builds on two previous reports and will be used to help make decisions regarding future strategies and plans.

There are four main sections: a snapshot of who lives in York, a look at “wellbeing” in its widest sense, lifestyles and a profile of health in the city.

The JSNA report shows that population is projected to continue increasing. The proportion of the population over the age of 65 years is expected to increase dramatically between now and 2029. Life expectancy has been rising; death rates from cancer have been falling and York scores better than the England average for many health indicators. Work in these areas needs to continue to maintain these successes.
