More fly-posting in York


Although nothing new, it is sad to see the amount of fly-posting increasing in the City.

More so, when it seems to be tolerated on Council owned street furniture including even ward notice boards.

In some areas the latter seem to have fallen into disuse – but that is no excuse for their tatty appearance nor allowing them to be hijacked for free advertising space for commercial organisations.

One of the events being promoted is taking place on Council owned land.

The last Council introduced a system where organisers of similar events were required to pay a deposit which was forfeit if events were promoted through fly-posting.

The deposit was then used to remove the offending posters.

It remains to be seen that will happen with the fun fair posters.


In the meantime the Council might consider making any unused space on its notice boards available for voluntary organisations or – on payment of a small fee – local traders.

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