York “epetition” on 20 mph speed limit tops 200. “Protect the Green Belt” petition gets 338 backers.

The electronic petition on the Council’s web site, which opposes plans to introduce a city wide 20 mph speed limit, has so far attracted 222 supporters.

Proposed 20 mph speed limit roads. click to enlarge

Proposed 20 mph speed limit roads. click to enlarge

Those wishing to add their names have another 6 days to do so. Click here for access

The petition reads

We the undersigned petition the council to cancel the proposed extension of the 20 MPH speed limit to Woodthorpe, Acomb, Foxwood and surrounding area. At a cost of £600,000 for something that even the police do not want and admit is unenforceable is a total waste of council taxpayer’s money.

Evidence from across Europe where similar schemes have been introduced suggest that reducing the speed limit to 20 MPH has minimal effect on accident rates. It would be better and cheaper to enforce the current 30 MPH limit.

This ePetition runs from 29/04/2013 to 10/06/2013. 222 people have signed this ePetition.

NB. Residents have until 21st June to formally object to the introduction of the new speed limit in west York. Residents can do so by Emailing highway.regulation@york.gov.uk

Meanwhile a petition opposing plans to build on the green belt has attracted 338 supporters

This petition reads:

We the undersigned petition the council to amend the draft Local Plan and save a number of traditionally Greenbelt-protected sites from being developed upon. The sites which have been earmarked by the Council for large scale housing development include Holme Hill and various plots of land at Clifton Moor, Osbaldwick, Copmanthorpe, Woodthorpe, Haxby and Monks Cross. We want to see the character of our villages surrounding York protected. We acknowledge the need for more housing in York, but believe the figure of 22,000 homes to be too high and the loss of over 1000 acres of Greenbelt land to be unsustainable. We believe it is absolutely vital that Brownfield sites are used first.

The City of York Council’s ruling Labour group have announced their plans to build 22,000 new homes over the next 15 years. Their plans include building two entirely new villages and a variety of other housing developments, on land which has hitherto been protected as part of the Greenbelt. Once approved by the Cabinet, the Council will be holding an eight week public consultation period and this petition will be submitted to the Council as part of this consultation.

This ePetition runs from 17/04/2013 to 31/12/2013. 338 people have signed this ePetition.

NB. York Council Epetitions usually attract relatively small numbers of supporters partly because of the slightly awkward registration process that is involved. 892 have however negotiated the hurdle in order to record their opposition to the closure of Lendal Bridge to private vehicles.

One thought on “York “epetition” on 20 mph speed limit tops 200. “Protect the Green Belt” petition gets 338 backers.

  1. Mala Law says:

    I really wish I had been informed of the proposed 20Mph zones. I live near Kingsway West, no proposals have been received. I heard about the proposals via my parents.
    Cars are not designed to bimble at 20Mph, the cooling systems function through airflow.
    Cyclists should use the cycle paths if they are concerned. I am against the widespread restrictions on traffic speed.

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