Since Labour took office, they have introduced 20 mph speed limit signs on an additional 11 miles of roads in South Bank and another 44 miles in west York.
947, 20 mph signs, have so far been installed with a further 1752 still to be put up – mainly in east York
Where the roads revert to a 30 mph limit, new signs have also to be installed.
So far 280 additional 30 mph signs have been installed with a further 587 still to be fitted.
So far the Council has spent over £52,000 on signs, paid out £40,000 in fixing costs with management costs accounting for a whopping £120,000 (planning, project management, professional fees).
Adding in miscellaneous expenditure, the total comes to £238,000.
A further £350,000 has yet to be committed to the programme which will roll out next in east York.
The programme should have been suspended for at least a year to allow the effects, that the new limits so far introduced have had, to be assessed.
In other parts of the country the introduction of 20 mph limits has coincided with an increase in accident levels.
Hi Ann,
I don’t normally get involved with politics but recently have become increasingly infuriated by the current councils developments that I just have to say something. The 20mph idea is complete madness, forcing this ridiculous idea upon the residents of York who clearly don’t want this new speed limit imposed. not to mention a despicable waste of money on street clutter AKA new signage.
The bridge closure saga continues to roll on despite it clearly harming York and also receiving mass opposition. As if that wasn’t bad enough our street “Deedpdale” has just been resurfaced so badly it looks like its been got at by a gang of Irish travelers.
Had the council not wasted so much money on erecting unwanted speed signs perhaps there would have been some money left to do a proper job of resurfacing our streets and filling in potholes.
The current council is plain barmy! I am convinced that regardless of what the residents of York want to see happen the council will press on with their blinkered ideas regardless.
Oh, and don’t even get me started on greenbelt……
A very frustrated and angry York resident.
I live in a cul-de-sac of 72 houses and have a 20 MPH sign on the road, what a waste. One hardly has the distance to reach 20 MPH and if some of the hotheads do manage it, who is going to police them.
Absolute waste of time and money, repairing the potholes would have been far more beneficial.