York’s Health Needs Assessed

York’s Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) website is now live and the city’s residents are being asked to comment on its content.

It is the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board in York to undertake this needs assessment.

In York this work is a shared responsibility between City of York Council and Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group.


City of York Council’s Director of Health and Wellbeing, Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones said: “We will use the content of the JSNA to continue discussions about the health needs in York.  This is the first time York’s JSNA has been web-based which therefore gives us the opportunity to amend and update the document as feedback is received, as well as making it accessible to a wider audience.New content will be added, and the existing content will be updated over time as new data becomes available.”

A JSNA is a developing piece of work that analyses and identifies the health and wellbeing needs of a local population.  It is used to identify needs in order to inform the local health and wellbeing strategy, commissioning plans for health, wellbeing and social care services and reduce health inequalities.

There are a number of ways needs can be assessed:

  • · Counting  –  e.g. the numbers of cases of disease or people accessing services
  • · Comparing – e.g. rates of disease by age, or sex, or ethnic status
  • · Modelling  – using studies done elsewhere and applying them to the York population
  • · Mapping – using place-based information to show where conditions are located
  • · Consulting – asking people what they feel about themselves or about services.

All of these methods have been used to gather a detailed picture of health and social care needs in York.

York’s health needs assessment is split into four main sections which allow for need to be assessed across a range of health, wellbeing and social care services.  These sections are:

  • · The population of York
  • · Living in York
  • · Lifestyles in York
  • · Health and ill health in York
  • In addition to this content, there are further in-depth assessments being completed into:
  • · Older People
  • · Travellers & Roma Gypsies
  • · Young People
  • · Poverty – (published in June)
  • · Mental Health – (published in July)

These will be uploaded onto the site later this year and an engagement event will follow publication of each of these areas.

Content about mental health and wellbeing was published on the JSNA website in July.  An engagement event, to start the process of identifying any gaps in this particular content and providing an opportunity for feedback to be given, will be held on Monday 13 October at West Offices, Station Rise, YORK, YO1 6GA from 9.30am to 12noon.

Places are limited and must be booked in advance.  To book a place please email healthandwellbeing@york.gov.uk

To view the JSNA please visit http://www.healthyork.org/

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