A Council report has pointed to a possible £3 million overspend on its budget this year.
The main area of concern is a potential over spend on the direct provision of care packages to vulnerable residents.
These include Non Residential Care Packages (£649k), Emergency Placements (£92k) and Short Term Breaks (£116k).
The Council intends to throw the whole of its budget contingency (£600,000) into this service area but is showing little sign so far of being able to recover from the financial breakdown revealed by auditors earlier in the year.
There is also a continued shortfall from parking income of £400,000.
As the published figures cover the period up to the end of June, they do not include the impact of current parking initiatives, including the charges for Minster Badges, the free parking introduced in late June and pay-on-exit at Marygate.
All of these are now expected to further reduce car parking income