Double yellow line proposals published

The council has published proposals to amend traffic restrictions by installing new lengths of double yellow lines at four locations around Dringhouses and Woodthorpe.

The proposals relate to Moorcroft Road, North Lane, Pulleyn Drive and the slip road by Yorkcraft on Tadcaster Road.

The deadline for comments to be made is 28 February 2020. These can be submitted by e-mail to or in writing to Director of Economy & Place, Network Management, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA.

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2 thoughts on “Double yellow line proposals published

  1. D says:

    We have not had this letter regarding the yellow lines on north lane. I saw a few of your top dogs talking about it last year, ten minutes to make the decision. I heard it was too expensive to put parking bays for a couple of cars, so double yellows it is. When is this work due to take place?
    I’m guessing I will have cars parked outside my house now on the opposite side from where you are putting these restrictions. How can someone object to something that no one knows about unless like me, a bit nosey?
    Kind regards

    • stephenfenton says:

      No decision has been made about putting down yellow lines. There was a public meeting last year at which it was decided to formally consult local residents. The council only delivers letters to a very small number of properties, so I delivered a letter more widely to encourage residents to have their say. I’m sorry you didn’t get a copy – I delivered North Lane as far down as Moor Lea Avenue. If you want to feed in your comments then please do so by e-mailing I would have favoured parking bays in the verge on that section of North Lane, but the presence of utilities beneath the verge made this prohibitively expensive, plus it attracted objections from residents. We are currently awaiting quotes for the installation of parking bays further along North Lane opposite the junction with Moor Lea Avenue.

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