Following the recent consultation on outline proposals to support cycling, walking and bus use along the Tadcaster Road corridor, City of York Council officers have reviewed the feedback and have proposed a set of revised proposals, which will be discussed at a public Decision Session on Tuesday 19th October.
Local councillors held some drop-in sessions in September to give residents an opportunity to view the £1.4 million proposals, which are funded from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transforming Cities Fund and are to be delivered as part of a wider package of measures funded by the Department for Transport’s Local Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund. Feedback from these drop-in sessions was fed in as part of the consultation.
The report for the Decision Session notes that a significant number of respondents were not in favour of some of the interventions intended to improve conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers (especially the new signalised crossings), but many respondents felt that the provision for cyclists, pedestrians and bus passengers did not go nearly far enough. A number of alternative schemes were proposed, or alternative uses of the funding, including suggestions that all of the funding should be allocated to a single intervention, such as substantial modifications to Moor Lane roundabout to improve it for cyclists.
The report notes that a ‘lesson learned’ from the consultation is the need to prioritise funding to make the greatest possible overall benefit, but accepting that, at current funding levels, schemes which comply with every aspect of LTN 1/20 (Government guidance on cycle infrastructure design) may not always be possible.
Set out below are some of the recommended revisions to the initial proposals:
- The proposal to widen the footpath from the Tyburn to the Marriott Hotel to create an off-road shared cycle / foot path has been abandoned. This seems to be in response to opposition to a shared cycle / foot path such as that proposed. The report states that creating an off-road path that would be wide enough to accommodate segregation would require the felling of 12 mature trees
- It is proposed to explore options for ‘light segregation’ to give cyclists in the on-road cycle lane some protection
- Proposed footpath widening near The Horseshoe has been dropped after residents queried the necessity for this
- In response to overwhelming opposition to the proposal to relocate the bus stop from outside the Slingsby Grove shops 75 metres south, officers will look for an alternative location (hopefully in consultation with councillors, businesses and residents)
For the proposed off-road cycle lane section opposite the Slingsby Grove shops, local councillors fed back the suggestion that rather than install a new cycle path behind the layby (which more confident cyclists wouldn’t use), could the layby be moved into that area to create a ‘buffer’ to enable cyclists to continue along the road without fear of being ‘doored’. This doesn’t appear to have been considered.
Whilst there isn’t currently the money available for a major project at the Moor Lane roundabout, the report talks about options to widen the two-way cycle paths around the roundabout (many of which are very narrow) by possibly reducing the lanes on the approach roads from dual to single. This did not form part of the consultation, and it is unclear what assessment has been made of the impact of such a proposal, for example on bus reliability (which is meant to be a key aim of the overall scheme). There are concerns in particular about the possible impact that such a proposal could have on the reliability of the number 12 service during peak times, as it has to navigate the roundabout on its journeys to and from Woodthorpe.
The report confirms that a feasibility study has been completed which considers subway options at the crossing point between York College and Tesco. A viable layout has been developed but not progressed due to an estimated cost of £1.5 million which is beyond what is available and would not fit with the funding conditions. A subway option would also be subject to land take and further design, assessment and consultation as part of a later phase of work.
I do hope you will take into account that people need access to the shops on Tadcaster Road especially the fish & chip shop & the shops either side of it etc, therefor please keep what few parking spots are available outside the shops & opposite, if not more shops will close.