Consultation launched on parking restrictions

City of York Council has advertised proposals to install parking restrictions at a number of locations around Dringhouses & Woodthorpe ward.

Objections or other representations should be submitted in writing to the Director of Economy & Place to arrive no later than 12th November 2021, by e-mail to or by post to Network Management, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA.

Anyone can submit a request to the council for parking restrictions to be implemented. Officers consider all of the requests received and a report then goes to a public meeting (Executive Member for Transport Decision Session) at which it is agreed which proposals can go forward to be advertised.

Moorcroft Road

Burns Court


The Square

4 thoughts on “Consultation launched on parking restrictions

  1. P thompson says:

    We need to get rid of yellow lines on chaloners Road then everyone can parked

  2. Caroline Marsden says:

    It’s a shame that one of the worst streets due to the little green rascals parking down nelsons lane wasn’t put forward. It’s dangerous and extremely busy due to the amount of housing down there. You can’t pull out or pull in to hobmoor terrace correctly due to all the parked cars opposite the junction.

    At time of the application for opening the nursery I did point out that there wasn’t enough parking to ensure everyone’s safety. My child has been nearly knocked off his bike 3 times going to school. I have pointed out that it was a accident waiting to happen and yet the application was granted. The nursery owner struggled to enforce anything as there is no restrictions, she does invest heavily in the parking attendants to ensure her car park, is used effectively as possible and safely. I hope and pray no one gets hurt.

  3. Jane Teather says:

    I support the proposed restrictions in Moorcroft Road.

    I would also like restrictions to be imposed around the westbound Moorcroft Road bus stop on Moor Lane.

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