In July 2022, the tenants of Dringhouses Council homes were invited to an exhibition at the Foxwood Community Centre to select from a range of products and materials to modernise their homes. But despite being promised that works would begin within the 2022/23 financial year, these works have unfortunately not yet occurred.
However, after local councillor Stephen Fenton requested a copy of the letter to be sent to tenants on this matter, a letter updating residents on the modernisation programme has now been issued. This letter can be seen below:
(Tenant’s name)
First of all, can I apologise to you for any delay you have experienced with your home’s modernisation.
Over these past few months, we have been working with a number of residents to redesign our Home Improvements programme – previously known as Tenants’ Choice. This includes our aim to replace all kitchens and bathrooms before they are 30 years old.
This year, our Home Improvements programme will be updating homes which we couldn’t work on during the Covid pandemic and homes in some parts of Dringhouses, which is the next area due for completion.
New Contractors have been appointed to carry out the programme of work, which will start this summer. Our contractors are BM Services and Urban Construction Interiors, both local to York.
As soon as we’re able to confirm dates and which homes will be updated, we will let you know when we can survey your home, discuss your choices, and start work.
Meanwhile, if you have any urgent repairs to the areas of your home identified for replacement, please report them by calling our Housing Repairs phone line, open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday, on 01904 551550 (option 4, option 1).
If you have any questions about this letter or about the Home Modernisation programme, please email us on or call our repairs service who will arrange for a call back by a member of the team to answer your questions
Kind regards,
John Hughes- Investment Manager
Mr Hughes confirmed in an e-mail to Cllr Fenton that “Works will commence this year on Dringhouses with the first 50 properties to be issued to the contractor in the coming weeks. Works will commence in quarter 3 (September onwards) with hopefully at least another 25 properties to completed this year but this will depend on the cost of completing the first 50.”