Earlier this year, developers announced plans to build 114 homes and a car park on land off Sim Balk Lane, opposite York College. They held a drop-in event at the College and ran a consultation exercise.
A full planning application has not yet been submitted but the developers recently asked the council for a ‘screening opinion’ on whether an Environmental Impact Assessment will be needed. In response, the council has advised that “it is felt that the development would not by its nature, layout and design give rise to significant environmental effects giving rise to the need for formalised Environmental Impact Assessment.”
Natural England have however stated that “there are potential likely significant effects on statutorily designated nature conservation sites or landscapes and further assessment is required. The proposed development is located within/partly within or has the potential for adverse effects on the following designated nature conservation sites or designated landscapes – Naburn Marsh SSSI and Askham Bog SSSI… Should you decide that an EIA is not required, Natural England advises that sufficient information on the potential impacts of this proposal upon these designated sites/areas is submitted with any subsequent planning application.”
The Sim Balk Lane site is not identified as land for development in the draft Local Plan for York. The former Park & Ride is included in the Local Plan as a site for housing, but it remains unclear when and how that site will be brought forward for development.