For some time the council has been giving consideration to measures to tackle inconsiderate and irresponsible parking on Moorcroft Road near to the GP practice and the dentists, which often leads to the number 12 bus getting stuck.
In February proposals for double yellow lines on both sides of Moorcroft Road were published and formally consulted on. The extent of the restrictions that were proposed is set out on the map below.
Council officers have reviewed the feedback received through the consultation exercise, and as a result are recommending a revised scheme that would see double yellow lines installed on just one side of the road, between number 34 and the GP surgery.
The recommendation will go to a Decision Session of the Executive Member for Transport to be held on 21 July at 9.30am. This is a public meeting that will be held remotely. The papers for the meeting have been published on the council website HERE – the recommendations relating to Dringhouses & Woodthorpe are at agenda item 5, Annex C.
At a public meeting organised by ward councillors on 18 February at Moor Lane Youth Centre, a number of suggestions were put forward by residents to help tackle problem parking. These are all being pursued:
– Liaise with the GP surgery and dentist to encourage them to alert their clients to the availability of two hours free parking behind the shops and put them in touch the owners of the car parks behind the shops about permit parking for staff
– Install a dropped kerb outside the GP practice to enable them to create additional parking bays in front of the surgery
– Install a ‘Two hours free parking’ sign on the lamp post at the entrance to the shops car park
– Install white H-Bars across the driveways of the high-numbered properties on Bramble Dene to discourage visitors to the GP surgery and dentist from blocking driveways
The double yellow line recommendations for the Pulleyn Drive / White House Gardens juncton and the Yorkcraft slip road are unchanged from those advertised in February. The proposed double yellow lines for North Lane are not recommended for approval after considerable opposition was expressed, but instead it is proposed to install a white ‘H-Bar’ marking opposite the private driveway leading to four properties.
This is not an encouraging decision. Parking is now bumper to bumper along Moorcroft Road on the dentist’s side right up to the corner, hence one tries to drive around the corner and met with oncoming vehicles. An accident waiting to happen!
You take life in hand just manoeuvring both corners as obviously one cannot see around them.
In any event cars are still parking on the double yellow lines on both sides of the road as, if course, these aren’t policed so people do not take any notice.
The surgeries already have made parking provision for their staff on their premises.
Put back the NO PARKING AT ANY TIME signs that always accompanied double yellow lines. After all, the young drivers and foreign drivers will not take any notice these days unless a warning is spelt out!