A consultation has got underway on a proposed scheme to deliver improvements along Tadcaster Road aimed at supporting cycling, walking and bus travel.
The £1.4m scheme is to be funded by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transforming Cities Fund, and is planned to be delivered alongside a £5m investment by Government in improved drainage, lighting, road and footpath surfaces. These plans are at ‘feasibility’ stage and the purpose of this consultation is to inform the next stage of creating more detailed designs. Not all of the proposals included in this consultation may be feasible or affordable.
The consultation started on Monday 23rd August and ends on 19th September. Consultation materials are available online at www.york.gov.uk/TadcasterRoad
Local councillors will be holding ‘pop-up’ outdoor sessions to discuss the plans with residents on Saturday 18th September 10am to 12.30pm on Little Hob Moor (Tadcaster Road end) and 2pm to 4.30pm on Hunters Way (Tadcaster Road end). We will also look to hold an online Q&A session in September – please e-mail Stephen Fenton (cllr.sfenton@york.gov.uk) if you’d be interested in attending.
We believe that it is vitally important that these proposals are scrutinised by residents and any concerns or new ideas flagged up which can inform the detailed design stage. It’s in everyone’s interests that we make it safer and more attractive for people to travel by cycle, on foot or by bus – getting more people out of their cars will help to reduce congestion for those residents for whom the car is their only way to get around.
We recognise that there is a limit to what can be achieved with £1.4m and some of the potential schemes considered – such as an underpass between York College and Tesco – won’t be affordable at this stage. Transforming Cities Funding cannot be used for general road and footpath maintenance.
Some of the proposals being consulted on include:
- Existing segregated cycle path from Knavesmire Road to Pulleyn Drive converted to shared cycle / footpath and then creation of a 3 metre shared cycle / footpath up as far as the Marriott Hotel
- New signal-controlled pedestrian crossings near the junctions with Nelsons Lane and The Horseshoe
- Relocation of the Slingsby Grove bus stop approximately 75 metres south
- Relocate the bus shelter on Tadcaster Road near the Old Moor Lane junction to the back of the footway, to make it easier to see buses approaching
- Installation of a bus layby opposite York College
- Widening the very narrow shared cycle / footpath around ‘cemetery corner’
Please do take part in this consultation and help to make this proposed scheme as good as it can be.