Waste collection reminder

The York Council is distributing a leaflet to each household explaining how they plan to schedule waste collections over the Christmas period.

Bins in Foxwood 2012

Bins in Foxwood 2012

Last year the service deteriorated in to chaos during the same period.

This year some recycling collections are being cancelled. There will be no collections on New Years Day but there will be a “catch up” on the following Saturday.

The Council have issued the following advice.

Christmas and New Year waste calendars are being sent to households city-wide in December advising residents when collections will take place over the festive period.

To prevent a build up of rubbish all households will receive a rubbish collection the week before and the week after Christmas, however household recycling and rubbish collections will not take place from Monday 23 December to Friday 27 December.

All households due a rubbish collection on 1 January will receive a collection on Saturday 4 January but there will be no recycling collections on this day.

City centre properties serviced by Friends of St Nicholas Fields recycling service will not receive collections on 25, 26 and 27 December. Affected properties are asked to please put out extra recycling on their next scheduled collection day (separated into open bags or boxes). For any queries about the Friends recycling service please telephone 01904 411821.

Residents are asked to ensure their bins or boxes are presented by 7am on the day of their collection, but no earlier than 7pm the evening before. The council will be unable to return to empty bins or boxes that were not out by this time.

The council will collect extra recycling from households’ week commencing 6 January and residents are asked to present their recycling (extra paper, cardboard and plastic bottle/cans) in separate open bags.

The council will not be able to collect extra glass, but residents can recycle their glass at recycling banks around the city. For more details please visit www.york.gov.uk/recycling.

The council will make every effort to collect waste on the scheduled day but, due to the amount of waste generated at this time of the year, some delays to the schedule may occur. If this happens then we will try to collect all missed rubbish by the end of the next working day.

Geoff Derham, Head of Waste and Fleet at City of York Council, said: “Christmas is a time where a lot of waste is generated in a short amount of time and to help reduce the pressure on residents’ bins the council will be collecting rubbish the week before and the week after Christmas. In addition to this the council will be collecting extra recycling after the busy New Year period.

“We urge residents to make full use of their kerbside recycling service, local recycling banks or the recycling facilities at the household waste recycling centres to prevent unnecessary waste going to landfill.”

Household Waste Recycling Centres will be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. The sites will be open as usual (during winter opening times) on all other days for residents to bring their excess festive rubbish for recycling.

To look up collection dates or receive another collection calendar please visit www.york.gov.uk/refuselookup or call 01904 551551.

For more information on waste and recycling visit please visit


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