The Easter break may be a difficult time for some, as many parents and carers continue to care for and educate their children at home.
The council wants to help families through this difficult time, as they stay home to protect the NHS and save lives, so they have pulled together some online resources HERE to get you started.
Residents are being urged to respect the decision to close all playgrounds.
On the Revival estate, off Tadcaster Road, the playgrounds are managed by open space management company Greenbelt. In response to an e-mail from Cllr Stephen Fenton they stated that “there is no requirement to close all of our play areas.” This runs counter to Government guidance which states that “Communal spaces within parks such as playgrounds and football pitches will be closed.”
City of York Council officers stepped in and put cable ties around gates at the two playgrounds on the estate as a stop-gap measure. Sadly, one set of cable ties was cut shortly afterwards.
Stephen has asked the council to step in again to install a more permanent solution, such as a chain and lock.
The Easter holiday activity sessions that were to be run by York City FC Foundation and York City Knights Foundation have been cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.
It is hoped that session planned for the summer holidays will be able to go ahead.
Young people in the Westfield and Dringhouses & Woodthorpe wards aged 12 years or older are invited to sign up for a free four-day course which can lead to a Level 1 Sports Leadership qualification.
The course, which for local young people is being funded from ward budgets, will be run by York City FC Foundation from Monday 17th to Thursday 20th February at Foxwood Community Centre.
To find out more or to book a place, call 01904 559508 or e-mail
Vandals have caused criminal damage in the Tadcaster Road area of Dringhouses in recent days.
The perspex cover on the community noticeboard at the junction with Mayfield Grove has been smashed. This comes soon after the cover on the noticeboard on the Revival estate was smashed. Both are to be repaired, with the costs to be covered from the ward budget.
The newly-refurbished playground on Nelsons Lane has been attacked by graffiti ‘artists’. Some of it is offensive and of a sexual nature. The council’s cleaning team have been asked to clean it off. The Chase Residents Association is to consider reinstating an opening and locking up rota for the playground, given that it is being abused by some people.
Cllr Stephen Fenton has informed the Police, who have confirmed that they are aware that older children are frequenting the area and intimidating the younger children, and that this is one of their current ‘hot spot’ areas.