Row over York Education Director’s £115,000 salary

City of York Council members last night (10th October) agreed would advertise for a new Director of Education, Skills & Children’s Services.


The move was challenged by opposition Councillors who argued that a £15,000 a year salary supplement was unnecessary against the Councils difficult financial position.

Liberal Democrats argued against high guaranteed salaries although recognised that there could be a bonus arrangements to recognise outstanding performance. (The Council’s Chief Executive is already on performance related pay).

Labour Cllr Williams told the Council that the cost of the supplement would be taken from the education budget. A view which parents may find somewhat alarming.


York GCSE results

Pupils, parents and teachers are celebrating today!

Whilst it is being reported nationally that results are down on last year, York pupils have bucked this trend with schools showing a 4 per cent improvement on last year’s results.

Provisional results show that 67 per cent of young people achieved five or more A*-C grades including English and Maths GCSE, compared to 63 per cent last year.

This result is the highest ever for the city. Fulford school, Huntington school, Archbishop Holgate’s school and All Saints school all achieved over 70 per cent.