Vandals strike on Tadcaster Road

Vandals have caused criminal damage in the Tadcaster Road area of Dringhouses in recent days.

The perspex cover on the community noticeboard at the junction with Mayfield Grove has been smashed. This comes soon after the cover on the noticeboard on the Revival estate was smashed. Both are to be repaired, with the costs to be covered from the ward budget.

Damaged noticeboard

The newly-refurbished playground on Nelsons Lane has been attacked by graffiti ‘artists’. Some of it is offensive and of a sexual nature. The council’s cleaning team have been asked to clean it off. The Chase Residents Association is to consider reinstating an opening and locking up rota for the playground, given that it is being abused by some people.

Criminal damage

Cllr Stephen Fenton has informed the Police, who have confirmed that they are aware that older children are frequenting the area and intimidating the younger children, and that this is one of their current ‘hot spot’ areas.

The playground recently benefited from a £32k investment

Vandals hit Tadcaster Road

A number of instances of vandalism on Tadcaster Road appear to have taken place overnight on Friday 14 October / Saturday 15 October.

The bench at the junction with Ainsty Grove has been ripped from its moorings – the feet are badly damaged and it looks as though the bench will need to be replaced.

Bench at Ainsty Grove

Bench at Ainsty Grove

Some of the contents of a skip appear to have been removed and dumped on the verge. The litter bin by the Pulleyn Drive bus stop had been shunted into the middle of the footpath, and the phone box opposite the fish & chip shop has been put out of action by the handset being ripped out.

Damaged phone box

Damaged phone box

Items dumped on the verge

Items dumped on the verge
































Stephen has reported the damage to the Police. If any residents have any information about who might be responsible, please call 101.

Action to improve service standards in Chaloners area

Fly tipping

Fly tipping

Tree detritus on Chaloners Road

Tree detritus on Chaloners Road

Damaged verges

Damaged verges

Dog fouling on snickets

Dog fouling on snickets

Leeside footpath crumbling

Leeside footpath crumbling

North Lane pothole

North Lane pothole

Following a growth in complains about public service standards in part of Dringhouses a major push for improvements has started.

Ann Reid and the Liberal Democrat team have been out and about and have reported over 20 issues for Council attention.

Let us know if you have similar problems in your area.

The major problems concerned, dumping, dog fouling, vandalism, potholes, damaged signs and weed growth

Chaloners Crescent trolley