Lights Out on Monday

Lights will be switched off at the historic Mansion House, the Guildhall and the council’s West Offices and Hazel Court from 10pm to 11pm on Monday 4 August as part of LIGHTS OUT which marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.


Marking the time Britain declared war on Germany at 11pm on 4 August 1914 millions of people are expected to participate in LIGHTS OUT, which invites everyone in the UK to turn off their lights from 10pm to 11pm, leaving on a single light or candle for a shared moment of reflection.

LIGHTS OUT is the headline project of 14-18 NOW, the official cultural programme for the First World War Centenary Commemorations. Iconic buildings such as the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, York Minster and national organisations such as the BBC and Royal British Legion have all pledged their support.

In York, the Lantern in the Tower above All Saints Pavement will be lit at 10pm. All Saints Pavement is the Guild and Civic Church of York, the Regimental church of the Royal Dragoon Guards and is also known as the Lantern Church and it is this light from its tower which will help mark York’s remembrance.