Consultants to plan Council asset sale

The Council is planning a big asset sell off.

Dressed up as an attempt to stimulate the building industry, a report being considered next week ( effectively suggests the same sort of discount sales policy which recently saw the Hungate site sold off for less than half of its value.

York Guildhall

Now Burnholme School, the former Manor School and the Guildhall are lined up for sale, with more of the City’s historic wealth –accumulated over centuries – set to go under the hammer over the next couple of years.

In some cases buildings with major maintenance liabilities will be offered to community groups, in the hope of getting them off the Councils books. However there is only so much that the voluntary sector can do. Many charitable organisations are very shrewd and are reluctant to comply when asked to pick up the bill for other peoples problems.

The lack of assets will mean the Council will be poorly placed to influence the economic prosperity of the City in the medium to long term.

No doubt by then the present Council Leadership will be hoping that they have secured employment elsewhere in the country….. leaving long term York residents to pick up the pieces of their extravagant policies.

Another bill for tens of thousands is on its way! The Council will employ consultants to undertake the big sell off.

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