Learn syncronised swimming at the Energise pool on Cornlands Road – 10th August

Make a splash with synchronised swimming at Energise

Energise are launching an exciting new synchronised swimming course, the first of its kind to take place at the leisure centre.

The course is a fun introduction to the challenging sport of synchronised swimming, where residents can learn new water skills, meet new people and create an exciting water routine to music.

The sessions will start on Friday 10 August, running from 7.30pm – 8.30pm, and are open to everyone, men and women, adults and children (aged 8 years and over). Cost is only £2.00 per lesson, and children under 16 are free.

Synchronised swimming has a great range of health benefits which include increasing muscle strength in both the upper and lower body, it can develop the body’s cardiovascular system, help to improve balance, posture and concentration, increase agility and flexibility.

People wishing to take part in the sessions must be confident in deep water, able to swim 25 metres and tread water.

What’s on in York: August – October 2012

For more information on events in York please visit the following web sites
1. Minster http://www.yorkminster.org/calendar/ or tel. 0844 939 0015
2. York Theatre Royal https://www.yorktheatreroyal.purchase-tickets-online.co.uk/public tel (01904) 623568
3. York Barbican http://www.yorkbarbican.co.uk/ tel. 0844 854 2757
4. Grand Opera House http://www.atgtickets.com/venues/grand-opera-house-york/ tel. 0844 847 2322
5. Visit York http://www.visityork.org/seeanddo/whats-on/ tel. 01904 550099
6. Yortime https://www.yortime.org.uk/eCommunityEvents/yortime/Default.aspx
7. Early Music Centre http://www.ncem.co.uk/?idno=152 tel. 01904 658338
8. York Racecourse http://www.yorkracecourse.co.uk/ tel. 01904 620911
9. York City Football Club http://www.yorkcityfootballclub.co.uk/ tel. 01904 624447

York Mystery Plays 2nd – 27th August York Museum Gardens In The York Mystery Plays return to York Museum Gardens, where a 1400-seat covered theatre is constructed within the ancient walls of St Mary’s Abbey. The event combines the talents of over 1,500 volunteers working alongside theatre professionals and staring Ferdinand Kingsley (Playing God/Jesus) and Graeme Hawley (Playing Satan).Performances will last approximately 3 hours and there will be evening and matinee performances. All seats are under cover. For further information visit: http://www.yorkmysteryplays-2012.com/.

Fiddler on the roof 2nd/4th Aug Thurs/Sat Grand Opera House

Frances Jackson, Royal Recital 4th Aug Sat 7:00pm Minster

8 Wonders tour 4th Aug Sat Minster Investigate how the number 8 has shaped York Minster through technology and design, from 1212 to 2012. Hidden stories reveal how the number 8 has shaped York Minster’s past, but is also shaping its future. From the world’s greatest treasures to the smallest hidden curiosities. There is more to see than ever before. Led by one of our guides.

Golf Lessons 4th – 1st Sep Sats Heworth Golf Club

Fiddler on the Roof 2nd/4th Aug Thur/Sat Grand Opera House

Yorkshire Medieval Festival 4th/12th Aug Sat/Sun Barley Hall http://yortime.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/a-very-medieval-summer-comes-to-york.html

10k Run 5th Aug Sun 9:00am Knavesmire Join in or come to cheer on at the Jane Tomlinson 10k as up to 8,000 people take to the streets to raise funds and awareness for their favourite charities

National Youth Guitar 5th Aug Sun 4:00pm Early Music Centre

Extreme Stunt Show 8th Aug Wed 7:30pm Knavesmire

Angelina Ballerina 7th/9th Aug Tues/Thur Grand Opera House

Mystery Plays backstage tours 9th/24th Aug Museum Gardens

Ruby Turner 10th Aug Fri Theatre Royal

Stoneyard open day 10th Aug Fri 9:30am Minster

Synchronised Swimming 10th Aug Fri 7:30pm Energise pool, Cornlands Road

Snake Davis 11th Aug Sat Theatre Royal

Boiling Frog 11th Aug Sat Grand Opera House

Summer Fair 11th Aug 1:00pm Hull Road Park

Royal Recital David Pipe 11th Aug 7:00pm Minster

Mystery Cycle Lectures 12th/26th Aug Tempest Anderson Hall

An Air of Mystery 13th Aug Mon 10:00am Early Music Festival

New Swimming Pool opens 14th AugustHull Road http://www.york-sport.com/york_sport_village.php

Dandy Dick 14th/18th Aug Tues/Sat Grand Opera House

Fabulous Flags 15th Aug Minster

Elizabeth Chadwick (historical novelist) 16th Aug 7:30pm York Library

The Unthanks 17th Aug 20:00 Minster Described by The Guardian as ‘Haunting, original and magnificent’ Mercury nominated Tyneside band The Unthanks have a peerless approach to folk music. Their paradoxical journey of staunch traditionalism and sonic adventure continues with a collaboration with Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band; the National Champions of Great Britain, regarded by many as the best and most consistent public subscriptions band in the world.

Al Morrison 17th Aug Fri Theatre Royal

Football: City v Wycombe 18th Aug Bootham Cres

Proms 18th Aug Sat 7:30pm Castle Howard

Ben Horden, Royal Recital 18th Aug Sat 7:00pm Minster

Jazz Jamaica 18th Aug Sat Theatre Royal

Duke of Yorks final battle 19th Aug Sun 2:00pm York Library Revisit and explore this epic War of the Roses battle, which saw a decisive Lancastrian victory and Richard, Duke of York killed and his army destroyed

The Proms 20th Aug Museum Gardens

Storyteller Susanna Oldfield 21st Aug Tues 6:30pm York Library

Race meeting 22nd/25th Aug Knavesmire

Pee Wee Ellis JazzFunk 24th Aug Fri Theatre Royal

Summer Fair 25th Aug 1;00pm Acomb Green

Gospel Singers 25th Aug Sat Theatre Royal

John Scott Whiteley Royal Recital 25th Aug Sat 7:00pm Minster

Festival of the rivers 26th Aug Sun 1:00pm Riverside

Vintage Motorcycle run 27th Aug Mon 10:00am Yorkshire Air Museum

Crowns fit for Kings 29th Aug Wed Minster

The stories windows tell 30th Aug Thurs 4:00pm Library/Minster Director of the Glazier’s Trust Sarah Brown introduces us to the beauty of York Minster’s medieval stained glass, starting with a talk on its history and the stories it tells, and concluding with a special guided tour of the Minster.

Keep up 30th – 2nd Aug Sept Theatre Royal

Farmers market 31st Aug Fri Parliament Street

York stories keeps children busy during holidays

The York Stories 2012 project – part of York 800 – is offering a great deal to keep children occupied over the next few days.

The project needs a mascot – the ‘storysaurus’ – and there are two sessions for children with Richard Kay and Mary Passeri, storytellers from ‘Telling Arts’, to develop the mascot, develop the storysaurus character, go on a trail, create a York Story and collect York Stories to share.

The sessions are in the Garden Room, York Explore Library Learning Centre, on Thursday and Friday 2 and 3 August, from 2-4 pm. Children wanting to take part should attend both free sessions if possible.


York Stories 2012 aims to uncover tales from the military

York Stories 2012 – part of York 800 – is looking for participants for a project which enables members of the Armed Forces community in York to tell their untold stories.

Working with City of York Council’s Arts and Culture Service and the Armed Forces community (Military Civil integration Project & Army Welfare Service), Armed Forces Community Presents… will capture and share stories of the military community in and around York, from serving members of the armed forces to veterans, families, cadets, TA members and linked organisations.


Advice from the Police on “tech support” computer scams

Cybercriminals might call you on the telephone and claim to be from companies such as Microsoft.

They might offer to help solve your computer problems or sell you a software license.

However, once they have access to your computer, they can do the following:
•Trick you into installing malicious software that could capture sensitive data, such as online banking user names and passwords. They might also then charge you to remove this software.
•Take control of your computer remotely and adjust settings to leave your computer vulnerable.
•Request credit card information so they can bill you for phony services.
•Direct you to fraudulent websites and ask you to enter credit card and other personal or financial information there.

Neither Microsoft nor their partners make unsolicited phone calls (also known as cold calls) to charge you for computer security or software fixes.

The following advice is taken from Microsoft’s Cybercriminal Tech Support Scam website, which also has links to further reading:

Mobile speed camera locations near York

North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following roads between Wednesday 1 August and Tuesday 7 August 2012.

•The Village, Stockton On Forest, York
•A1036 Malton Road, York
•York Road, Haxby, York
•A1237 Monks Cross, York
•A64 east-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•A64 west-bound Bowbridge Farm Tadcaster
•Broadway, Fulford, York
•Murton Way, Murton, York
•Fordlands Road, Fulford York
•B1228 Main Street, Elvington, York
•B1228 Dunnington Lodge, Elvington, York
•A64 Malton by-pass Malton west-bound
•A64 Seamer by-pass Scarborough
•A64 Seamer Road Scarborough

Leading road safety charity to provide free young driver scheme

Young drivers are to be offered free assessments to improve their confidence and awareness on York’s roads.

Up to 300 drivers aged 17 to 26, who live or work in York, could benefit from the York Momentum scheme over the next two-years.

The Institute of Advanced Motoring (IAM) course will officially be launched this week (1 August) by representatives from the road safety charity and council staff in the road safety team.

For more details about the course please visit www.york.gov.uk/transport/Road_safety/ or email momentum@york.gov.uk


Yorkshire Day

Several events have been arranged to celebrate Yorkshire Day which takes place on Wednesday 1st August.

Yorkshire Ridings Society will be processing around the Bar Walls proudly boasting a Yorkshire flag before performing the Declarations of Integrity in modern and olden dialect, ending on the cobbles at Newgate Market.

The city centre will be decked out in bunting and Yorkshire flags. A Yorkshire Day banner will also be hung for visitors and residents to see at Newgate Market, where there will be a Yorkshire Day market full of local traders with Yorkshire goods and produce, including additional stalls from the Farmers’ Market.

The Civic party will be attending the annual Civic gathering, which will this year be held in Scarborough and will include a procession with sword and mace bearers.

The Mansion House will be flying the Yorkshire Day flag on this special day.

Other events celebrating Yorkshire Day across the city include:

• York’s Chocolate Story selling special Yorkshire chocolates for the day in flavours of Yorkshire blue; white chocolate and rhubarb; tea and fruitcake; and Wensleydale cheese and apple.
• Hinchliffe’s Farm Shop is celebrating Yorkshire Day with a giant, York Minster shaped pork pie which will be unveiled at 2.30pm on the steps of York Minster.
• The York Brewery is doing a Real Ale Trail based around Yorkshire beers in their pubs.
• The North Yorkshire Moors Railway is running a special lunchtime Pullman service runs in celebration of Yorkshire Day on 1st August, which departs from Grosmont at 1.30pm.

Huge increase in York Council’s taxi costs

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Council taxpayers had to fork out over £200,000 for taxis used by Councillors, staff and customers of the York Council last year.

The costs were 92% higher than those incurred in the previous year.

The figures do not include the costs of transporting pupils with special needs (disabilities) to school.

The revelation comes only a few days after the Council revealed that Social Care costs for the last financial year increased by 29%. See http://tinyurl.com/Adult-social-care-cost-up

Do not resuscitate

A York Council committee has spent the last few months reviewing the effectiveness of the “do not resuscitate” forms used in parts of the NHS.

It is a sensitive area and one that the Council is right to review in its role as a “Health Watchdog”. It followed concerns about the use of the forms at the York Hospital following a review by the Care Quality Commission in October 2011.

Indications are that health professionals do understand and respect the intention of the forms.

The committee is due to meet next on Wednesday. Details of the study can be found here http://tinyurl.com/do-not-resusitate