20 mph speed limit report withheld. Speed camera locations for next week revealed

A Council report, which is expected to recommend that a 20 mph speed limit is introduced throughout York, may not be published on the Council’s web site until Thursday.

This gives anyone wishing to make representations, to the decision meeting which is due to take place next Monday, virtually no chance of making their views known.

It is the latest in a series of attempts by the Labour Council to avoid open debate on controversial issues.

Meanwhile, North Yorkshire Police will be carrying out mobile safety camera enforcement on the following roads between Wednesday 16 May and Tuesday 22 May 2012.


Food hygiene in York web site surprises

37 York premises have been listed as requiring either urgent or major improvements when visited by Council food safety officials during the last 12 months. The premises recorded scores of either 0 or 1 when inspected.

In each case the premises were given a specific period of time in which to make the necessary improvements which could range from better washing facilities through to structural improvements.

The vast majority of premises in York though achieved either a 4 or 5 score indicating that standards of food hygiene are generally good.

Details of the results of individual premises can be found here:

Traffic arrangements – Dante Race meeting Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th May

Traffic management measures are introduced in the Knavesmire area for days when race meetings occur. All race meetings (day-time) will have the following measures in place.

• Directional signage will be placed on major arterial routes to the city to encourage traffic to approach the racecourse via A1237/A64. Further signage within the city boundaries will reinforce the preferred route of approach.

• No Waiting Cones on Knavesmire Road, Campleshon Road, Bishopthorpe Road (part) and north side of Church Lane, Bishopthorpe. (more…)

Lib Dems say Burnholme parents need answers

York’s Liberal Democrat Group have said they cannot support Labour’s plans to close Burnholme Community College while so many questions remain unanswered ahead of Tuesday’s key Cabinet decision on the issue.

Cllr Keith Aspden, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Education, Children & Young People, has today commented:

“After meeting parent representatives last week to study Labour’s proposals we cannot support the plans for closure when there are still legitimate questions for the Cabinet to answer. These include the potential £2 million cost for closing the school and a lack of detail as to where the invaluable on-site Special Educational Needs provision will be moved. We also need to see a long-term strategic plan to deal with an increased demand for school places after closure and the rising pupil numbers across York in the next ten years.
“In 2009, the Council agreed a 5 year plan to save the school. This plan should not be abandoned half-way through for short-term financial considerations. The parents and governors have worked tirelessly to present a thorough case that proper support and investment could result in an increase in pupil numbers to improve the viability of the school. This needs to be fully explored before Labour rush into closure. Once the school is closed it will be lost forever to the community. The Cabinet has to address all of the issues before they take a decision that has such profound long-term implications for the pupils, staff and parents.”

More York residents making it to the church on time

The number of people getting married in York increased by 13% last year.

Total marriages 893
350 in Approved Venues,
543 in the Register Office
Total civil partnerships 33

Total marriages 1012
427 in Approved Venues,
585 in the Register Office
Total civil partnerships 37

More details on tying the knot can be found here. http://www.york.gov.uk/community/Marriages/arranging/

Appeal following knife point robbery in Kingsway West

Detectives in York are appealing for information after a pizza delivery man was robbed at knife point in the early hours of Saturday 12 May 2012.

As well as witnesses, officers would like to trace the box and thermal delivery bag in which the pizza was carried.

At around 1.50am on Saturday morning, a Domino’s delivery man attempted to deliver a pizza to a property on Kingsway West, near to the junction with Thanet Road. (more…)

York City win at Wembley

York City made a good start today in what could be the most important week in their history.

Winning the FA Trophy by 2 goals to nil against Newport County was the first of 3 hurdles they must overcome.

On Thursday the Planning Committee will decide whether to approve the construction of a new purpose designed community stadium which will house both Football and Rugby clubs.

Then next weekend the Club will be at Wembley again for the Conference play off final against Luton Town.

On offer then will be a return to the Football League and much needed boost for their finances


Since the last Focus a plan of action has been agreed to finally resolve the long running issue of managing this open space.   A process has been agreed to select a community based organisation to manage the land once the land has been transferred to the Council’s ownership.   

The Council has recently advertised for interested organisations to make a bid based on a draft Management Plan.   To ensure that there is a long term benefit for the community, organisations will need to show that they can maintain and improve the natural habitat, encourage community involvement and improve disabled access.

In the interim, Council Officers are working with the Taylor Wimpey to ensure that the area remains safe.

Any work carried out needs the permission of the landowner