Pike Hills golf club to expand?

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The Golf Club on Tadcaster Road is seeking planning permission to extend the size of their course

In total around 7.7 acres of agricultural land would be used to extend the course if planning permission is granted on 20th March

Planning permission was granted in 2004 for a similar scheme but the permission was not implemented.

The scheme does not propose the erection of any additional buildings and would not increase the number of holes on site.

The extension would allow for the existing course to be reconfigured to allow for longer holes and to prevent holes from crossing each other.

The land is currently cultivated and is classified as being Grade 3a agricultural land (good).

The site lies to the north of the existing golf course and abuts the A1237 for a short distance.

The site is very flat in nature and is bounded by hedging and a number of mature trees which are to be retained.

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