York schools reports published “on line”
Ofsted have made their inspection reports – and statistical tables for all schools – available “on line”.
The statistical sheet for York High can be viewed by clicking here.
Other York secondary schools can be accessed by clicking here
You can access Primary schools on the Ofsted web site here or, for west York schools, click the links below
Most York schools are performing well.
One exception was Canon Lee (which has already been subject to widespread media comment)
Five Primary schools were criticised in their last Ofsted reports
Nine York Primary schools were rated as “Outstanding” by Ofsted.
GCSE results
Meanwhile Key Stage 4 School Performance Tables published today show that many York schools achieved excellent results and are well above national averages.
The percentage of pupils gaining five or more A*–C grades at GCSE (or equivalent), including English and Maths, is 62 per cent. This is 6 percentage points above the national average and places York in the top spot in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
The results place York in the top 14 per cent of Local Authorities in England.
York is also in the top 10 per cent of Local Authorities in England for pupils achieving the ‘English Baccalaureate’, and in the top third for pupils achieving ‘at least expected rates’ of progress from the end of Key Stage 2.
National changes to the Key Stage 4 indicators and the exam system in 2014 mean that direct comparisons with the 2014 results and previous years is not straight forward. For the first time in recent years, only a pupil’s first entry in a particular subject is allowed to count towards school’s performance data and there has also been a move away from continual assessment to exams at the end of two years’ study.
Jon Stonehouse, Director of Children’s Services, Education and Skills, City of York Council, said: “These results place York secondary schools amongst the best in the country in a year which has seen some significant changes to the examination system.”