Cllr Ann Reid recently visited Yorwaste sites to see where your household rubbish and recycling is sent. She saw the composting facility at Harewood Whin as well as viewing the City from the top of the landfill “mountain”.
Most of the City’s recycling is sent to Hessay for processing and Ann saw how the plastics and cans are separated and the other materials processed to ensure the maximum value is obtained from those materials.
There has been some concern expressed that from time to time recycling is collected by a normal refuse vehicle and the materials mixed up again.
This mixed recycling is sent to Yorwaste’s facility at Seamer near Scarborough and Ann saw how they separate all the materials out for reuse. Residents can be reassured that your carefully separated recycling does not go to landfill.
Did you know that the compost made from your green waste can now be collected free from Harewood Whin EVERY Sunday until 20th Sept (excluding Bank Holidays)?
See the Council’s website at for more details.