Planning applications have been submitted to the council for trees to be felled, new trees planted and flytipping to be cleared in an area of privately-owned woodland in Dringhouses.
The existence of a Tree Protection Order on the land off Nelsons Lane means that works cannot be undertaken without permission having been granted.
The applicant’s stated aims for the proposed work are to:
- Maintain an attractive, safe and tidy appearance to Breary Close and adjacent footpath
- Remove invasive Sycamore species within the front of the property
- Remove areas of fly tipping accumulated within the woodland over the years
- Create a defined boundary to the woodland
- Re-establish natural boundaries to the area to the north and east
- Remove overshadowing and overbearing self-sown Sycamore trees to the east adjacent to St Helens Rehabilitation Hospital
- Create increase the quantum of quality native woodland cover within the area and provide a greater diversity of species.
Details of the planning applications can be found on the council website HERE and HERE.
The woodland was put up for sale in 2015 – see further information HERE