Residents have launched a petition calling on the York Council to reverse its proposal to reduce refuse bin collection frequencies and scrap the £35 green bin emptying charge.
The petition also asks the Council to abandon its plan – agreed at its budget meeting on 26th February – to introduce a £35 a year charge for emptying green bins. The charge has been heavily criticised as a new “stealth” tax – the equivalent of a 4% increase in Council Tax levels for most residents.
The Labour run authority introduced a £35 fee for emptying second, and subsequent, green bins last year.
The new tax will apply to all green bins and will hit the least well off hardest (as the charge will not be offset by increased benefit payments).
Residents fear that the charge will lead to more hedgerow dumping.
The risk will be increased by the move to 3 or 4 weekly grey bin emptying.
Dumping has already become an increasing problem on the west of the City since Labour’s controversial decision to close the civic amenity recycling centre on Beckfield Lane a couple of years ago.
Dringhouses Councillor Ann Reid is backing the petition.
“Many public service cuts are being hidden from residents by dubbing them part of a “rewiring” exercise.
This title means nothing to most people.
A consultation in February was a shambles with leaflets advertising activities being delivered after the event had finished. A bogus list of choices failed to specifically ask for resident’s views on bin charging and reduced emptying frequencies.
Residents need to make their views known now.
A new Council will be elected on May 7th. It will have an early opportunity to reverse the damaging decisions that have been taken over recent weeks”
The petition also asks the Council to provide more litter bins and to give a higher priority to keeping highways and hedgerows free from litter and dumped items.
A copy of the petition can be down loaded by clicking here
The petition can be signed “on line” here