Council let slip £37 a year “tax” on Green Bins to start mid summer
Over 500 residents have signed our petition opposing Labour plans to reduce bin emptying frequencies and impose an annual charge of £35 or £37 for emptying green, garden waste, bins.
The on line version of the edition is now suspended until after the election but copies of the petition form can be downloaded by clicking here
At a recent Council meeting in response to a question the responsible Cabinet member said,
“Officers from waste services, IT and customer services are working to determine a time frame in which chargeable Green waste collections could be implemented should the Council choose to proceed. It is anticipated that sufficient evidence will be available in the summer of 2015 for the Council to consider this matter”
Labour Councillors fear that many residents will avoid the new charge by putting green waste into grey – residual waste – bins.
Hence the – still secret – move to reduce bin emptying frequencies to once evry 3 or 4 weeks.
Like the proposals to close Lendal Bridge 4 years ago, it is unlikely that Labour will publicise their plans for the future of waste collection in the city until after then Local Elections on May 7th.
Landfill Tax charges up by 57% in 5 years as York Council recycling effort fades
Meanwhile the Council has admitted that recycling rates have been falling in the City. Landfill Tax charges – paid by residents through their Council Tax bills – have increased.
Landfill Tax increased by £8 per tonne annually until 2014/15 and by inflation thereafter having reached £80 per tonne.