York near top of apprenticeship table

ApprenticeshipLatest Government figures put York in the top 5% of English local authorities for apprenticeship take-up.

They also set the city in the top 10% of local authorities for keeping young people in education or training after Year 11.

Official figures from the Skills Funding Agency and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills published earlier this month, show that over the past nine months, the increase in the percentage of York residents starting apprenticeships is in England’s top 5% when compared to all other local authorities.

Government data published on 2 July 2015showed that in the nine months up to April 2015, 1,340 York residents started an apprenticeship compared to 1,300 in the previous twelve months. In York there is a well-established network of training providers delivering high quality training for apprentices. A key lead co-ordinating role is played by the York Apprenticeship Hub based at the council.

For school leavers, the figures show that of all York’s Year 11 students leaving school in summer 2014, 97.4% were continuing their education and training. This puts York in the top 10% of local authorities in England for retaining young people in education or training.

The detail shows that nearly 90% of all post-16 school leavers in 2014 continued with their education at a college or a school sixth form, which puts York in the top 10% of local authorities in England. A further 6.4% of school leavers took up employment with integrated training and/or apprenticeships while only 2% were not in education, employment and training (NEET).



Councillor Keith Aspden, Deputy Leader of City of York Council with responsibility for Economic Development and Community Engagement, said: “New apprenticeship start-ups in York are particularly encouraging. Being amongst the highest in England, they also come down to lots of hard work by us and our committed partners. Young people and their families increasingly recognise that taking the apprenticeship route has a great deal to offer in building a successful and rewarding career. I’m also delighted that more and more York businesses are taking on apprentices and see this as one of the best ways to secure high-quality employees.”

Executive Member for Education, Children and Young People is Councillor Jenny Brooks, said: “York is known to have a well-educated and trained population. Take-up of the city’s excellent education and training opportunities suggests that this trend is set to continue which we will keep supporting.”

To find out more about apprenticeships in York please contact the York Apprenticeship Brokerage Service on 01904 552200 or www.facebook.com/yorkapprenticeships or www.twitter.com/yorkapprentices


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