Latest planning application for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Address       34 Bracken Road York YO24 1JT

Proposal      Condition 3 of 23/00986/FUL

Reference   AOD/23/00277

Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Institute Of Physics And Engineering In Medicine 230 Tadcaster Road York YO24 1ES

Pruning of 1 no. Silver Birch tree (crown lift up to 5m from ground level, removal of deadwood/diseased branches, clearance of BT wires and crown reduction up to 2.4m) – tree in a Conservation Area

Ref. No: 23/01592/TCA 


21 Lycett Road York YO24 1ND

Single storey rear extension and dormer to rear

Ref. No: 23/01503/FUL 

Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


6 Nelsons Lane York YO24 1HD

Fell 1 no. Acacia – tree in a Conservation Area

Ref. No: 23/01552/TCA 


York Racing Stables Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1QG

Fell 1 no. Ash tree (dying from ash die-back) – tree in a conservation area

Ref. No: 23/01563/TCA 


82 Ryecroft Avenue York YO24 2SD

Crown lifting and lateral reduction of overhanging branches from 2 no. Oak trees (T1, T2) and group (G3) of Sycamore and Hawthorn – trees protected by Tree Preservation Order 10

Ref. No: 23/01535/TPO 


32 Slingsby Grove York YO24 1LS

Two storey side and single storey rear extension

Ref. No: 23/01518/FUL 


22 The Horseshoe York YO24 1LX

Raising of existing eaves and ridge height of house with 4no. dormers, 1no. to each roofslope

Ref. No: 23/01515/FUL 


44 Leven Road York YO24 2TJ

Non-material amendment to permitted application 22/01387/FUL to alter width and depth of side extension

Ref. No: 23/01504/NONMAT 


7 Kinbrace Drive York YO24 2XX

Two storey front, side and rear extension and single storey rear extension

Ref. No: 23/01485/FUL 

Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


4 St Edwards Close York YO24 1QB

Fell 1no. Sycamore tree in a Conservation Area.

Ref. No: 23/01424/TCA 


23 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1QG

Internal and external alterations to former coach house including alterations to fenestration, removal and installation of internal walls and staircases, installation of kitchen and bathrooms after demolition of front projection

Ref. No: 23/01339/LBC 


23 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1QG

Alterations to fenestration of former coach house after demolition of front projection

Ref. No: 23/01338/FUL 

Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Cherry Lane Planning Decision Appealed

Many residents in the Dringhouses & Woodthorpe ward had expressed their concerns over the proposed size and design of a property on land off Cherry Lane. Whilst outline planning permission was granted, the application which sought approval for the detailed design of the property was refused by City of York Council. That decision is now subject to appeal.

Background Information

Originally there was an application to build five houses on the Cherry Lane plot. This application was refused as it was felt that it would not protect enough of the green space which currently exists. In response, the plans were scaled back and an application was submitted for outline permission to build just one house and a garage on approximately one third of the plot, with the other two thirds being left as a natural green space as shown in the two images below.

This application lacked detail of the design of the property as it was an outline application, but the principle of the development was approved by the council. This approval also included a proposal to improve the junction of Cherry Lane and St Edwards Close, shown below in its current layout.

However, when the applicants later sent in their detailed plan for the estate, the council refused the application, the reasons for which are set out below.

The Head of Planning and Developing Services said the reason why the application was refused was due to:

  • “The proposed dwelling failed to respond positively to the local context in terms of its siting, scale, design and use of materials. The new dwelling is incohesive in appearance with an inappropriate use materials and a significantly overly bulky form and appearance. As a result it would integrate poorly into its wider surroundings, intruding into the landscape setting of the racecourse, and introducing a far more assertive and urbanised form of development into an area characterised by more spacious, lower density development. Overall the scheme represents poor design contrary to Section 12: Achieving well designed places of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies D1 and D2 of the Submission Draft City of York Local Plan 2018.”
  • “As a result of its proximity, the proposed development would impact detrimentally on a TPO oak tree, which has high public amenity value arising from its prominent location and maturity, and biodiversity value. Additionally, insufficient evidence has been provided to clarify impacts on other trees within and adjacent to the site, particularly the TPO hornbeam at the access point, and also on the overall impact of the scheme and the associated landscape quality of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to Sections 12: Achieving well-designed places and 15: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy GI4 of the Submission Draft City of York Local Plan 2018.”

Current situation

Presently, whilst attempting to appeal the refusal of planning permission, a new application has been submitted with revised designs. In this revised design, the buildings on the site are smaller than in the previous application.

To find out more about the background to this matter, please follow the two links below to the City of York Council’s planning portal:

Latest planning applications for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


NFU Agriculture House 207 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1UD

        Fell 1 no. Norway Maple for safety reasons and remedial prune 6 no. trees to clear back up to 3m over footpath, clearance of a parking space and signage as per submitted work specifications – trees protected by Tree Preservation Order 71

Ref. No: 23/01330/TPO 

23 Tadcaster Road Dringhouses York YO24 1QG

Fell 10 no. trees (T2 Conifer, T3 Conifer, T4 Portuguese Laurel, T5 Conifer, T6 Conifer, T7 Plum, T8 Cherry, T9 Cherry, T16 Conifer, T18 Walnut); Remedial pruning of 1 no. Beech (T1) – crown lift to 5.2m over road and 4m over the garden, 10% crown thin and 3m clearance of property.

Ref. No: 23/01259/TCA 

36 The Horseshoe York YO24 1LX

Detached outbuilding to rear

Ref. No: 23/01203/FUL 

Representations can be made in support of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received