Extent of Council confusion on Lendal Bridge revealed

Council’s legal costs total £6,900 and rising

A freedom of Information request has revealed that the amount of money spent on legal advice in connection with Lendal Bridge, following a recent adjudicator decision, is £6,900 and rising.

This is in addition to the £350,000 in capital and running cost already incurred by the Council.

Originally the Council said that the trial would cost less than £100,000 (and be paid for by appropriating monies provided by central government for improvements to public transport in the City)

If the fine income has to be repaid to drivers, then the costs of the trial will become a heavy burden on York Council Taxpayers

Lendal Bridge sign

Meanwhile the long awaited analysis of the successes and failures of the Lendal Bridge trial has been published.

The absence of the report was used by Labour at the last Council meeting on 27th March to avoid making an early decision on scrapping the restrictions. Labour subsequently wilted under sustained criticism from residents when it became clearly that nearly £2 million in fines income (Coppergate and Lendal Bridge combined) had been levied unlawfully.

It is the appeal against the adjudicator’s decision on the latter which has led to escalating legal costs.

The report makes it clear that the imperative for bringing forward the Lendal Bridge access restrictions from 2025 – the target date included in the current Local Transport Plan (LTP3) – was the Labour Councils proposal to increase the size of the City by 25% over the next 15 years. Most commentators have already condemned such growth as irresponsible with likely catastrophic consequences for the environment in general and transport systems in particular. The report says that such growth would lead to a 41% increase in traffic across the City.

The main objectives of the trial were always unclear. They are now retrospectively claimed to be to

  • reduce congestion in the city centre and on the route between the Station and Gillygate/Clarence Street in particular;
  • create a bus corridor that provides improvements in bus reliability and journey times, thus encouraging greater use of public transport and
  • Improve the public realm at the north end of the city centre by reducing the impact of traffic.
Objective Council verdict The reality
Accommodation Occupancy Levels in City Increase Hotels – not affected by the trial have also shown increased use. It is linked to an improving economy, good weather and special events held in the City. It has not been influenced by the Lendal bridge restrictions. York hotelier groups were opposed to the restrictions
Footfall (Parliament Street) Increase Footfall in Parliament Street showed a substantial fall in the early part of the trial. It recovered in the run up to Christmas. Again it reflects changing economic times. Many retailers report lower sales over the 6 month trial period. The longer term reputational damage caused by the high level of fines has yet to be felt by the City.
Parking in City Centre Car Parks Static The council is forecasting that it will have a lower income from car parking in 2013/14 than it budgeted for.
Citywide Traffic Counts Static The same amount of traffic, just using different routes.
Journey Times Increases/Decreases In the main, the mileage covered – and subsequent longer journey times for those who otherwise would have used Lendal Bridge – were significantly higher. The Council have failed to analyse this cost.
Bus Journey Times Increases/Decreases The report fails to list the journey time and passenger number impacts on a route by route basis. Without that information, no conclusions on public transport can be drawn. The Council has failed to isolate cause and effect. If bus patronage is up 7% how much of that is down to economic factors, how much to the fare/routes changes introduced in September etc.?

Even with benefit of hindsight, and manipulation data to fit a required outcome, the trial fails 2 of these 3 criteria. There was less traffic on Lendal Bridge but overall the number of car journeys was the same, congestion (which is not high between 10:30am and 5:00pm anyway) simply transferred to other roads and emissions impacted on the air quality at different locations – it did not reduce.Over 70% of respondents to the Council surveys felt that the restrictions had adversely affected them. This compares to 79% who responded to surveys in west York saying that the Lendal Bridge trial had not been successful.

The data reveals that between September and December 2013 there were 2 serious accidents on Lendal Bridge (compared to none during the same period in the previous year).

The number of “slight” accidents did however reduce.

So where now?

Labour are promoting an all party “traffic congestion Commission”. Apparently to be independently chaired, the body would be doomed before it started if it was asked to provide transport solutions for the journey demands that would be generated by a 25% increase in the City’s size.

That is mission impossible.

It is made worse by the Labour Councils reliance on the development of Green Belt land – which generally has poorer public transport options than the brownfield alternative which is closer to the City centre.

The real choice will be for residents to make at the 2015 Council elections.

The Liberal Democrats will be offering a policy of sustainable growth.

It remains to be seen what other options are tabled.

More traffic light failures cause congestion in York

Press 17th Oct traffic lights

As we reported 6 months ago the reliability of traffic signals in York has plummeted in the last couple of years.

The Council have not yet published a root cause analysis of the failures which – today – again brought traffic chaos to the City centre.

Signals on the Fishergate loop were responsible for the problems.

Its about time the Council got to the bottom of these problems.

York gets more government money to improve transport


City of York Council has been awarded an additional £100,000 from the Department of Transport, towards the city’s i-Travel York initiative.

Many residents will hope that the funding is used to repair faulty “real time” information systems indicating the Variable Message Signs on the City’s arterial routes as well as the car park availability information which has disappeared from the Council’s web site.

One of only nine local authorities to receive the funding, York successfully won the financial backing following a bid in November 2013 to deliver the government’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund project ).

This council’s i-Travel York initiative was launched in 2011, made possible by £4.6 million of government funding which the council successfully bid for in 2011.


Cheap bus travel in York for 11 to 18 year olds


With a YOzone card you can travel on many buses within the York area at a reduced fare. In addition to this, you will be entitled to lots of great discounts from retailers throughout the York area.

YOzone 11-16 card

The YOzone 11-16 card is available free to any young person currently in secondary education (up to the age of 16) who lives or studies in the City of York Council area. Cards are valid until 31st August after your 16th birthday.

YOzone 16-18 card

The new YOzone 16-18 card is available free to any young person aged 16-18 who lives or studies in the City of York Council area.


£200,000 for Tour de France pothole programme

The Council has revealed that it is spending £200,000 filling potholes and resurfacing the roads over which Tour de France competitors will ride in July.

Vesper Drive residents pitch to have their cul de sac resurfaced

Vesper Drive residents pitch to have their cul de sac resurfaced

Competition for the funding is hotting up with some residents (right) spotting an opportunity to get much needed road repairs completed.

The Council has now cancelled the meeting which was to have considered how the supplementary highways resurfacing budget will be spent. No explanation has been given and no new date, for a replacement meeting, has been offered!

Meanwhile the Council has said, in response to a Freedom of Information request, that it still plans to accommodate 800 caravans and 2000 tents on Monk Stray over the tour weekend (5th/6th July).

There is some concern that the “slimmed down” City of York Council has agreed to a programme which is does not have the resources to organise properly.

Only a handful of Councillors have been briefed on the detail of what is happening (or not happening)

Lendal bridge figures published

The York Council has finally published the presentation which apparently led to Labour Councillors abandoning the traffic restrictions on Lendal Bridge.

click to download full presentation

click to download full presentation

The papers have crept into the daylight following a vigorous campaign by Liberal Democrats and residents for a full scrutiny review of the fiasco.

The presentation is not the final report, which is still scheduled to be considered by the Cabinet on 6th May.

However there are some glaring anomalies in the claims made by officials.

In claiming that hotel and bus use had increased, they have failed to include benchmark comparisons; preferring just to assume that any favourable trend is a result of the Lendal Bridge restrictions.

In truth the economic recovery and good weather have played a part in attracting more visitors to the City over the last few months.

& First buses claimed in September that their new fare pricing and routing policies, would attract more passengers (as appears to be the case although robust bus reliability measures are missing).

Also missing are details of the number of PCNs issued during the period between the end of the trial and the decision to abort the traffic regulation order.

Cllr Merrett sacked from transport role

Dave Merrett has been sacked from his transport responsibilities in York.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

He has been heavily criticised for poor execution of traffic restrictions on Lendal Bridge and more recently for an email exchange, about the controversial introduction of wide area 20 mph speed limits, in which he abused Opposition Councillors.

He will retain his Cabinet pay as he takes over responsibility for environmental services. He will also be responsible for York’s Local Plan – another shambolic situation.

He is replaced by Cllr Levene who recently was forced to announce a budget overspend on ice clearance last year despite having had the mildest winter on record!

Tracey Simpson Laing is also demoted losing responsibility for health matters.

The Council Leader has said the changes have been made as he “didn’t want to lose control of the Council in the 2015 local election to a LibDem/Tory coalition” (!)

Lendal Bridge restrictions – Why no public report?

Council Forward Programme click to enlarge

Council Forward Programme click to enlarge

The Council published late yesterday their decision notice on lifting the Lendal bridge traffic restrictions. It referred to a meeting which had taken place a week earlier.

The notice that the meeting would take place was also published yesterday (which is no help for residents trying to follow the Byzantine meanderings of the Councils processes)

The Council claims that the decision was taken under “delegated powers” by the Council Leader acting alone.

The decision notice does not include any background report (which is in itself highly unusual given that the last Council meeting was prevented from discussing the issue because “all the facts weren’t available”)

The Decision has not been labelled as “key” meaning that it cannot be called in for consideration by an ”all party” committee.

However a decision on the Lendal Bridge issues was, and is, due to be made by the Cabinet on 6th May 2014.

Key decision items have to be included in what is known as the Forward Plan and an entry was made for this policy item.

It confirms that it is a “key” decision.

The Councils Monitoring Officer needs to explain these inconsistencies, and pretty quickly.

No one doubts that officers could have switched off the ANPR cameras at least when their use was found to be unlawful.

But a decision to revoke the traffic order required an approach in line with the published Forward Programme.

It is likely that the Local Government Ombudsman would take a dim view of the Councils manoeuvres.

In the meantime the Council should agree to set up a scrutiny committee to look into the irregularties.

Budget overspend despite record mild winter

No winter maintenance

New figures reveal that Labour run York Council overspent this year’s winter maintenance budget despite it being one of the mildest winters on record.

The council’s 2013/14 winter budget, which funds gritting and salt bins, was £107,000 in the red despite the city seeing no significant snowfall or prolonged frosts this winter. This has led to concerns that recent cuts by Labour have left the budget dangerously low and if next winter sees more typical weather there will be major disruption in York.

Labour has cut the winter maintenance budget every year since coming to power in 2011, and last year took 30 miles of road off the priority gritting list while cutting two-thirds of the city’s salt bins.

Cllr Ann Reid, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Environmental Services, commented:

“It is extraordinary that despite it being the fifth mildest winter since national records began the Labour Council has still overspent its budget.

“Cuts by Labour have reduced gritting routes and salt bins across York and therefore reduced the city’s capacity to cope with bad weather. If we have a more typical winter next year then the budget is just not there to ensure roads and paths are gritted and residents are kept safe.

“Liberal Democrat budget plans called for an extra £30,000 to be put into winter services and an extra £500,000 to be given to communities for local priorities such as extra salt bins or gritting. This would ensure that the resource was there to cope with bad weather.

“Labour got lucky this winter. However, the policy of spending money on city-centre vanity projects like Kings Square instead of on frontline services like gritting roads will catch-up with them.”
