Minster Piazza safety issues to be raised at Council meeting

Minster Piazza

Minster Piazza

Liberal Democrat transport spokesperson Ann Reid is to raise safety concerns about cyclists using the new Minster Piazza (Deangate) area.

With the paving project now completed, there has been a notable increase in the numbers of visitors standing on the former carriageway to take photos.

Some cyclists have continued to use the route at relatively high speeds prompting concerns that a potentially serious collision could occur.

Now Ann Reid will ask Cllr Dave Merrett to make the area a pedestrian priority zone.

“Deangate has been a shared use highway for several years but the removal of the carriageway – while improving the environment considerably – has served to highlight a potential conflict between cyclists and pedestrians.

I want to see notices displayed making it clear that cyclists should reduce speed when riding through the area and should be prepared to give way to pedestrians.

The alternative would be to fully pedestrianise that part of Deangate.

That would mean that cyclists would have to wheel their bikes for a few yards”.

Ann has tabled the following question for the Council meeting which is taking place on Thursday.

“In congratulating the Minster Authorities on the success of their York Minster Revealed project, does the Cabinet member share my concern about the conflict between some fast moving cyclists and pedestrians in the new “Minster Piazza” on Deangate?

Would he agree to sign the area as a pedestrian priority zone?”

ironically a cycle race will be routed through Deangate this weekend!


New pedestrian crossing plan for Jo Ro school

Jo Ro crossing plan click to enlarge

Jo Ro crossing plan click to enlarge

Walking and cycling in the vicinity of Joseph Rowntree Secondary School have been reviewed by Council officials.

Pupils who live south of the school were found to have fewer direct facilities.

To address this, a highway improvement scheme has been developed to provide a raised zebra where most pedestrians cross, and off-road cycle links to give less confident cyclists an alternative on this busy narrow road.

There have been no objections to the principle of the scheme during consultation.

York rises to the Cycle Challenge

The York Cycle Challenge has got off to a flying start with over 100 organisations from across the city registering to taking part, including the University of York and major employers such as York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Over 1,500 people have taken to their bikes so far and pedalled more than 50,000 miles.

With less than two weeks to go, it’s hoped that even more people will choose to get involved before the challenge ends on Sunday 21 July.

The York Cycle Challenge is a competition to encourage people to take to their bikes and discover the joys and benefits of cycling. Workplaces are competing in one of six different size categories to see which can get the most employees cycling.

The event is for all employees, whether they already cycle or haven’t been on a bike for years. The idea is that individual’s cycle at a time to suit them, even if it’s only for ten minutes.

To make sure their bike rides contribute towards their workplace’s success, they must record the details on the York Cycle Challenge website – www.yorkcyclechallenge.org.uk

4 out of 5 residents in west York oppose introduction of 20 mph speed limit

Nearly 100 formal objections to the Traffic Order, which would create a wide area 20 mph speed limit in the west of York, were received by the Council. This is one of the largest ever responses to the formal advertising of a Traffic Order in the City.

Had the consultation leaflet issued by the Council included a simple “yes or no” survey form then the response is likely to have been much higher.

Many residents did not receive the leaflet. The Council claimed to only have delivered 13,000 leaflets to the 20,000 homes in west York.

240 residents signed up to an Epetition opposing Labour’s plan

Public opinion polls in the area have consistently shown that over 80% of residents are opposed to the plan which will cost taxpayers over £600,000 to implement.

Accident levels after 20 mph speed limit introduced in Portsmouth and Oxford. click to enlarge

Accident levels after 20 mph speed limit introduced in Portsmouth and Oxford. click to enlarge

The Press are running their own “on line” poll on the issue click here

An officer report which will be presented to a decision meeting scheduled for Friday 19th July (4:30pm at West Offices & open to the public) raises even more concerns about the effect that the change could have on accident numbers.

In two Cities (Portsmouth and Oxford), which “pioneered” wide area 20 mph speed limits, the total number of road accidents continue to increase (see left).

The trend in York – which mirrors the national trend – has been for accident levels to fall over the last 5 years.

Perhaps even more surprisingly, the report reveals that even those residents in Bristol who identified speed as a major concern believe – after a brief honeymoon period – that the problem had actually worsened since the City introduced the 20 mph limit.

60% thought that the new limits hadn’t made roads safer.

Post 20 mph speed limit Bristol residents views click to enlarge

Post 20 mph speed limit Bristol residents views click to enlarge

There can really be no reason to press ahead with the new limits other than stubborn political dogma.

The £600,000 is desperately needed to improve safety on roads which do have high accident records. In particular, to improve enforcement of the existing 30 mph speed limit on some roads.

Residents have two final opportunities to persuade the Council to pull back from the brink.

Written representations can be emailed to the following address with a request that they be circulated at – or before – the decision meeting laura.bootland@york.gov.uk copied to cllr.dmerrett@york.gov.uk .

The representations should be made before 5:00pm on Wednesday 17th July

You can register to attend and speak at the meeting. You must register before 5:00pm on Thursday 18th July. Telephone Laura Bootland on (01904) 552062 to register

As Cllr Merrett has publicly said that he intends to press ahead with the new limits and overrule residents views, it is likely that opposition Councillors will “call in” any such decision for further consideration.

Last chance to have your say on local bus services


First, the city’s principal bus operator, is looking to consult with people to seek their views on what they want from bus services and to then consider what changes can be introduced. First have held 5 meetings so far as they meet directly with customers or anyone with a view on buses and how the services can be improved and what links they would like to see

The last two opportunities to attend meetings are:

• Sat 13/7: Acomb Parish Church Hall, 0900 – 1200

• Tues 16/7: York city centre, West Offices, 1000-1400

People who can’t make the meetings need not worry. There is the opportunity to fill in a customer survey online (www.firstgroup.com/yorkconsultation) or write to First (address below) by no later than Friday 26 July.

We have already recorded a view that the 4/5 should be re-routed via Acomb Front Street (old village) to improve access to the many facilities that are located there.

First is responsible for 11 million passenger journeys a year across a network of 15 routes including 5 Park & Ride services.

However the city’s principal bus operator is determined to grow the number of people using buses in York which will help ease the congestion on York’s roads and in turn lead to better air quality in the region – one of City of York Council’s key environmental objectives.

£20,000 to be spent restoring right turn from Lendal onto Museum Street.

Behind closed doors logo

The diagram below indicates the proposed work needed to restore a right turn facility from Lendal.

The scheme is expected to cost around £20,000.

The money will have been wasted if the Lendal Bridge closure proves to be unsuccessful.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

The Council will be forced to advertise this proposal and residents will be able to record objections.

NB. Loading restrictions are to be implemented outside the Mansion House and in Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate

Despite £300,000 taxpayers investment, York traffic camera information still not available on web

County Council weather camera. Click photo to access North Yorkshire cameras

County Council weather camera. Click photo to access North Yorkshire cameras

The York Council was today celebrating opening a new CCTV control centre.

It was immediately criticised for not making the output of traffic/weather cameras – which monitor congestion levels in the City – available on the internet. Anyone currently trying to access the York Live web site will find that all the displayed cameras are marked as “unavailable”

York Live traffic information. Click image to access

York Live traffic information. Click image to access

This contrasts with the policy of the neighbouring North Yorkshire County Council which has, for several years, allowed travellers to check the traffic and weather conditions displayed by 12 “real time” cameras.

The York Council media release says,


Resurfacing works will close two key roads in York next week

A1237 Great North Way Roundabout

City of York Council will be carrying out essential carriageway resurfacing works on the A1237 Great North Way roundabout at Poppleton from next week.

The works will take place from Sunday 30 June to Friday 5 July for approximately six nights, between the hours of 7pm to 11pm.

In order to carry out these works safely, a three phased partial closure of the roundabout on Great North Way with temporary traffic signals on the A1237 will be necessary whilst works are taking place.

Essential carriageway reconstruction works on the A19, Selby Road

City of York Council will be carrying out essential carriageway reconstruction works on the A19 Selby Road at Fulford from Sunday 30 June. The works will take place for one week from Sunday to Friday between the hours of 7pm to 11pm. In order to carry out these works safely a temporary road closure of the outbound lane of the A19 from Naburn Lane to the A64 interchange will be necessary whilst works are taking place.

Outside the proposed working hours the road will remain open as usual but there will be minor works carried out through the day starting on Monday 1 July under local traffic management. Bus stops within the area will not be in use during these works, please ring 01904 551400 for bus route information.

Road works and congestion west York 14:30 25th June 2013. click to enlarge

Road works and congestion west York 14:30 25th June 2013. click to enlarge

Click the map for updated information

We strongly recommend use of the road works web site http://roadworks.org/ which shows the lengths of queues in “real time” (red lines) on congested routes

Cycle to work challenge starts next week in York

cycle to work

Workplaces in York are being invited to take part in a free competition to encourage more people to ride bikes as part of the 2013 York Cycle Challenge – and potentially win a bike worth £1,000.

More than 81 businesses and 1,500 people are set to take to the streets over the three week period from 1 to 21 July for the annual event.

The challenge is supported by City of York Council’s i-Travel initiative, made possible by £4.6 million of government funding which the council successfully bid for in 2011.
